Seedjunky Vs Cookies.. the lawsuit šŸ˜†

I just saw this being posted on social media by Seedjunky.

Quote from Seedjunky-

I never would have guessed Berner the rapperā€™s real name is Gilbert. :laughing:

Just thought itā€™d be fun to post this info and see what everyone thinks about it. Not trying to start a thread filled with a sh*tstorm of dramaā€¦ I swear.

But I do find it interesting. I find it especially interesting that Seedjunky isnā€™t just keeping quiet about it and is instead posting the court paperwork on social media. Maybe heā€™s looking for attention to get a Netflix special or something. :rofl:


I would have renamed myself Gerbil T.

Itā€™s a little more ā€œgansta.ā€


Heā€™s definitely looking for attention. Kind of a bad move to post an ongoing lawsuit onto social media. Granted he didnā€™t really post much, but Iā€™m sure one of berners lawyers will find some wrong doing on seedjunkys end. Makes ya wonder what bodhi went through dealing with berner and why he got out so quickly.


I think its funny (or sad) how big the heads get on people who get into corporate cannabis.


Yeah that was my thought exactly. Seems a little childish to post your court papers on Instagram. But heyā€¦ its good entertainment for the rest of us.

Editā€¦ ohh shitā€¦ shots fired backā€¦

Time to grab the popcorn. :popcorn:


Looks like a law suit grasping at straws. Im surprised at how unserious an not clued up people are when it comes to legal business and partnerships and how to work and put down ground rules.
Seed junky arnt going to get anywhere, as im sure burner is working with some big big players in the cannabis game.


I giggle like a school Girl seeing the words SeedJunky on a legal document


Im going to love watching this shit show! Court papers are public information!


ā€œHeavy is the head when you got motion like thisā€

Did he really attempt to quote Shakespeare? This will be fun.


Jesus H Tapdancing Christ. Iā€™m not a lawyer but this seems INCREDIBLY stupid. Well this is going to be a shit show.


this isnt as cut and dry as it seems. im wildly surprised anyone would think its a good idea to air dirty laundry on instragram and the ā€œstealing of proprietary genetics, mislabeling them, or fraudulently reselling themā€ is going no where. the specific claim of false expenses though is interesting because it would be objective and easily provable.

seedjunky is an idiot for going to social media but i bet he is getting a settlement in the end


Cookies has a history of screwing over partners. Remember Jungle Boys and their ā€œExotixā€ collab. Compound Genetics, Bodhi, Seed Junky, etcā€¦Sounds like Seedjunky has come to realize that he sold his soul working with Cookies and Glasshouse.


Popcorn eating music.

Oooh, Gilboā€™s getting put on blast againā€¦ drama! :innocent: :star_struck: :popcorn: I will totally be watching, with a level of interest that Iā€™d classify as somewhere between watching Lost andā€¦ well, watching Lost. That show really collapsed towards the end, huh? Guessing thisā€™ll probably do the same, but itā€™s funny to see vendors with possibly the worst reputations in the world fighting in court over whoā€™s more dishonest.


No one saw this coming :eyes:

Now they have to get all that mattress money to pay off the lawyers.

Yeah man Berner is worth half a billion dollars.
I think he will be ok either way :joy:.
Mo money Mo problems!!!

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If you read itā€¦ it seems fake. ā€œCooked the booksā€


They should settle this with a duel. 20 paces, turn, FIRE!


These were my immediate thoughts. In addition to ā€œoh shitā€

A lot of the language seems very un-legalese. For Berner to make a rebuttal on IG seems ill advised too. We will see.


Seems to me, it just shows any type of press coverage, keeps the build up of FOMO generating, for both companies.
This plant, did just great, for millions of years, without all these grubbing humans.
Kind of embarrassing, as we are supposed to be on top, as the big brain holders.
Idiocracy is in full bloom.