Whats wrong with her 😕

You should hear Coots talk about it on his podcasts.He goes off on the whole Calmag and boron debacle and he’s right there is no peer review study on it either.I never had that problem I used good earthworm castings and I use epsom salt to adjust my mag when I need to.the deficiency I learned through trial and error

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Right there with ya on that… I have plenty of calcium in my well water. And you can mix epsom salts into your new soil mixes too, I’ve seen that done but haven’t done it myself.

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Epsom salt is in my growbox for life.Never used it until this year and found out how it fixes some problems like real quick like.Cheap and you have to go full idiot most of the time to overdose your plants.That’s definitely a win win in my book.I’m not going to push it like BoronBoi or CalmagMan.All I can say is if you haven’t done it try it.Most likely won’t have much to lose because the plant is pretty much fucked by that point in most cases lol.It’s the rebound and the new growth that makes up for the loss.

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Apparently I’m an idiot then. :stuck_out_tongue: According to my handy nutrient excess/deficiency chart, the symptoms of magnesium excess are “stunted growth, dark green foliage, appearance of an overall salt toxicity.” I gave one of these plants an extra 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt in a pint of water about a week and a half ago. The first picture is before the extra epsom, the second and third from a few days later and the last one today. See if you can guess which one got the extra?

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I was gonna say the same. That’s severe ntox. Tips curling down and such a dark green.
What nutes are you using

Lol I’d say! If buddy seriously thinks that’s boron deficiency he ain’t much of a “cropper”

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I’m using “optimum hydroponics” 2part cheapo bottled nutes, and spray kelp and/or epsom every 2 weeks/ if needed in veg


Calmag dude ad more Calmag!!!Rocket fuel for your plants mess them up real good lol.

It will bounce back just use straight water don’t give it any more nutes bromigo…

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Oh…u said BORON…I was reading it as MORON,sorry

Anyway, It’s not a B deficiency. A Boron deficiency shows in the deformed roots and the growing tips. There is something wrong in that pot, food or water, but it doesn’t look like Boron is the issue.


The irony in your rant was absolutely hilarious. “Don’t listen to the online community, rah rah rah, but here’s a link from me, a person in the online community” :joy::joy:

Hope your day turns around mate, everyone on here is trying to help & doing their best.


Don’t tag him, I think he has left the building ejem|nullxnull, no room for him here … :roll_eyes:


Yeah true but then again maybe we can talk him down. I’ve never seen them post before.

You’re probably right tho🙃

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Wasn’t the first time, he already had a short ban, I was thinking in this story, short one … frech|nullxnull

Frog and Scorpion

Once upon a time there was a frog. One day, Frog was sitting by a river bank when along came a Scorpion.
“Hello brother Frog,” said Scorpion. “I wonder if you might be so kind as to give me a ride across the river on your back.”
Frog knew that Scorpion could not swim.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” said Frog. “You have a deadly sting. You might kill me.”
“But why would I do that?” replied Scorpion. “If I stung you, we would both die.”
“Mmm,” thought Frog. “That makes sense.”
“Alright Scorpion, jump onto my back and I will give you a ride across the river,” he said.
So Scorpion jumped onto Frog’s back and Frog began to swim across the river. But halfway across, Scorpion took his deadly sting and stuck it into Frog’s back. And as the poison filled Frog’s body his arms began to stiffen and they both began to sink. “Why?” gasped Frog in despair.
“Sorry Frog,” said Scorpion. “It’s my nature.”
And Frog and Scorpion died.



Very wise!

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At least two, maybe more… he got banned, made a new account (@curemasterlocs), got that permabanned, and then came back and immediately started up again with this account. I assume he’ll be back shortly with another new account, next time he’s feeling pissed off at the world and wants to find someone to lash out at. Pointless and self-destructive, but harmless if we just ignore him.


Guess with that “strong personality” :roll_eyes: it’s easy do discover his cover up ejem|nullxnull, better shoot first hunter|nullxnull and then ask … frech|nullxnull

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A light bulb just went on in my head :slightly_smiling_face:
You are running coco perlite. Do you let the coco dry out? Or do you water multiple times a day ??

Letting it dry out will cause salt buildup, no matter how low ppm you feed. That would explain the nutrient problems you’re having.

Ding ding ding lol

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