Whats yall favorite light to use?

1000w DE HPS with Hortilux bulbs.


Logger what up bro I met you on redit a few days ago!

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I would burn my fucking house down. I’m sporting an HLG Blackbird and HLG UVA 30 bar. Still in the box.


Really? That’s not cool they had some nice lights but for some reason not a lot of people really used them. I hope that somewhere has stock hidden lol I need 2 starting next month. Thanks for the heads up bro I appreciate it :v:

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There’s a company I follow on Instagram called fish fart :man_facepalming:Lol but he makes some crazy custom lights and priced right. I would definitely recommend checking him out. Especially if you have a weird grow space.


I bought two optic 8+'s from Facebook market place for 200 dollars… they are worth 1200 a piece and throw down!

Hey man! Great to see you here! Welcome to OG! :grin::+1::fire::beers:

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Optic is sick! If you have money Optic is also a great option :+1:

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Hawthorne bought out Gavita. Jair Velleman started a new company called DLI - Dutch Lighting Innovations

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Been loving my Growers Choice Master Pursuit 500w CMH lights. They have protections I havent seen in any other HID light

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Growlightscience. Better than HLG(I have and still use my qb’s but yeah) and less expensive. Can’t really build it cheaper than he sells it for. Quality and yield has gone up compared to the HLG’s. I’m sold…


My god what a steal! I forgot about optic, they look pretty great too ! Heard good things, congrats on an epic score

That progrow 1800 looks nice, and only $420. If they are truly equal or better than hlg then that’s a great deal.

Is one of the best lights. The 600w hands down is the best light. I would run hps only. Never had a problem. I got tired of the hoods. I do believe they stay cooler.

Oops I thought it was called medic grow, my bad. Ya you and @Jetdro put those on my map 1000% even contacted him asking about shipping already for if/when the time comes.

That’s the exact one I was asking them about/looking at . Almost can’t be built for that :man_facepalming:t2:

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believe shipping is free from him. And yes, running same wattage as the HLG RSpec boards, i’m seeing better quality, and both denser and bigger flowers comparitively.


Not for mois…. :canada: it’s the duties and such that are the killer . Only in the US is shipping FREE

oh my bad, totally didn’t realize that. Hopefully shipping isn’t too expensive elsewhere. I’ve been really happy with it.

The shipping itself isn’t bad, not at all in fact but over here they like to add duty/tax etc. it’s like 35$ on every 100$ no joke it’s stupid, so either fudging numbers or just posting as “gift” is necessary to avoid it, he did say if/when the time comes he may be able to help so he’s definitely willing to play, honestly I’d buy a couple 100% no question, already sold