Whats your favorite tree?

I sell trees. All day I look at, take care of and suggest trees. (Well nursery plants in general of which tree sales have declined rapidly the last 5 years)
How can you not admire a mighty Oak or get lost in the beauty of Sequoias? Maybe you just love Maple syrup.
Every north American landscape has a Japanese maple or three. I can tell who the "box wood and Japanese maple people " are when they are still walking threw the gate.
My favorite tree is most under rated. That maybe drives me to like even more. Known by many as a weed. It’s the Staghorn sumac. Who doesn’t love a pioneer. I planted them over 10 years ago to help camouflage my cannabis.I am a sucker for a compound leaf.
Also makes a delicious beverage akin to Pink lemonade ( you still need the sugar)
So let’s hear it. What your favorite tree? NO palms!


Mulberry. But on someone else’s property.


The mighty oak… for providing ammunition for every childhood acorn war!
Another favorite tree is @TopShelfTrees1 :sunglasses:


Haha epic! Got mad love for you too bro! :facepunch:t2:


I had a fire red Japanese maple at my old place that was at least 45 years old, the thing is an absolute monster and was putting the pines to shame, I loved that thing, even trained it perfectly to provide shade for my patio set…. Out here we have lots of historic/protected trees and there’s a mighty oak that has been there for hundreds of years it’s bigger across then my car front to back, it’s gorgeous, I also really love maple trees :maple_leaf: not only for what they signify being Canadian but for the sweet sweet goodness they provide and the trips to collect maple syrup as a child and making maple pops in the snow…. I love trees!



They remind me of a cannabis plant in veg. You can do almost whatever you want to it, shape it how you want, bush it out etc. :heart:


We have some wonderful sugar maples, 100s of them, I’d really like to add some white oaks for the deer.


maple syrup. really is . so fuckin good.
Blows my mind when people use “pancake syrup” and they have never read an ingredient label in their life.


Yep, we have a farm that taps our trees and we get a cut of the final product. We also run a few buckets to make maple sugar, my wife prefers it to regular white sugar.


I grew up on Country Crock (margarine) and Aunt Jemima “syrup”… let me tell you, when I discovered butter and real maple syrup my whole life changed for the better!


@TopShelfTrees1 this tree is almost haflway there! Planted it as a seedling

Doesn’t get as red as it used to, but she throws a boatload of seeds every season :heart: i save those seeds on occasion and give them away


I’m so sorry.
Once we get some fresh syrup remind me and I’ll send so some of the good stuff.


re-names the maple syrup appreciation thread


The one you live in


Now THAT’S an idea

Trading tree syrup for some canna beans :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl: fuckin Canadians, man. We love you guys :rofl::maple_leaf::canada:


That’s awesome! She’s gorgeous ! I love your yard. I did the same! In fact I was just telling my wife I need to sneak back on the property and steal a bunch more so I can plant one here. I miss it so much, I miss that house so much :disappointed:

Lol we do that shit around here too. Weed, syrup, cow shit, eggs, meat are all “currency”.


Soooo true. And there’s something about that sweet syrup right out of a tap though that’s just breathtaking. I haven’t done it in 10-12 years but I can still picture/taste it like yesterday.

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Epic!! Always thought it would be so dope to live in an old fallen old growth redwood, the ones they could drive buses through. I love watching a show on tv where he builds dream tree houses, it’s truly a dream of mine

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Next time you collect some I’d love some.

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