What's your organic soil recipe?

In my opinion I’d have to disagree with that statement I’v seen a lot of bags at HOME depot, Walmart, Lowes and even nurseries that have had the corners torn out probably on purpose by consumers checking out what there getting for their dollar and I personally see saw dust and decent sized wood chips ( filler material) that aren’t even fully composted yet … I wish @lotus710 was still with us he’d give us a piece of his mind on bagged composts sold on the market!


As long as it is not made out of sewage waste, I’m ok with it. I would run it through a worm bin first though. :+1::seedling:


That’s funny haven’t even looked at that ! " now that I have seems like it’s pretty heavy on amendments for the volume it goes in!


Boy just visited a thread over on GC on organic soil amendments and boy they seem to like bashing each other over there glad I found OG much better site here IMO!


It’s hard to not cross that line into organic terrorist territory. Lots of, “my way is best” in the organic cannabis game.


My mix (makes ~5 gallons before I add ~1/3 of that in perlite so ~6.5-7 gal total)
I use a small pot (~1.6 gallons) to mix up my soil and use “parts” of it to measure
1/3 (~1.6 gal) good potting soil (I use Dr Earth Pot o Gold)
1/6 (~.8 gal or half the pot) coco coir and 1/6 (same) peat moss
1/6 (~.8 gal or half the pot) worm castings and 1/6 (same) compost

14 tbsp azomite
14 tbsp rock phosphate
10 tbsp kelp meal
5 tbsp each of Hydrofarm bloom bat guano, Down to Earth neem seed meal, vegan mix, bio-live, and bone meal, Espoma garden-tone, and insect frass
3 tbsp Down to Earth granulated humic acids and blood meal

oh and I forgot the secret ingredients:
crushed dodo egg shells
unicorn manure
and a kilo of saffron

Yes, I know my mix is excessive, but I besides the “secret ingredients,” that is really what I use and I don’t intend changing anything (except maybe the amounts, since this mix is stronger than my last). I already had most of the amendments around to make subcool’s super soil (which I add periodically to my cannabis and vegetable plants if they need a pick me up, since my last mix was weaker).

My idea for a less crazy mix (that I won’t use cuz I’m CRAAAAAAZZZYYY):
Same basic soil medium, but following amendments:
1-2 tbsp/gal azomite
2 cups dry organic fertilizer (Espoma Garden-Tone is good)
1 cup kelp meal

Both of these mixes are basically a combination and variation on InTheGarden’s mix (https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/easy-organic-soil-mix-for-beginners.1116550/) and Subcool’s supersoil.


Hey @ray how do you like that stuff? Im thinking about using it for my next grow.

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Been combing over some Dan Kittridge videos lately and came across some this aluminum controversy, he states that ideally Aluminum should be under 200 PPM in a soil report , he doesn’t state anything about detriments of aluminum on human health but also makes mention that microbes will deplete aluminum levels overtime.


Hi everyone, thanks to the help of @Sebring and @ReikoX I’ve got many information and a nice no-till soil recipe. Unfortunately here in the UK is quite difficult to get some of those beautiful ingredients /amendments that all of you guys are using.

I’m not able to find any sul po mag or any other variations
So far this is what I’ve got

The only thing that said is salt, so I don’t really know if this will be dangerous for the soil life (once per month), is there any other way to add this, or do you think guys this will do? What about dolomite lime?

Also, there is a mineral mix, gypsum ,oyster shell flour mix with rock dust, volcanic, glacial and basalt as equal parts. but I just can find volcanic,
None of the basalt and glacial, it will be enough with the volcanic plus gypsum and the oyster shell flour or calcium carbonate?

About Liquid Fulvic acid, is there something wrong if is also humid I mean both together blend in the bottle?

Is the coconut flour a substitute of coconut water powder?, I’ve got toons at home

Thank you very much for your help

Sorry if this post does not bellow here, please relocated if needed


How did that turn out

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I think the issue with aluminum and cannabis is that cannabis is a biodynamic accumulator so if there’s high levels in the soil there’s more than likely high levels in the plant material. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t use azomite in my mixes anymore.


The salt in that isn’t “salt” like sodium chloride table salt which is harms soil life. It’s like more like Epsom salt which is magnesium sulfate. If you’re worried just use it at half the recommended dose.


I never bothered to try this mix for flowering because it didn’t work especially well for veg. For flowering, I’ve been using Coast of Maine’s Stonington Blend Mix as a water-only mix (small amounts of dry nutrient amendments when repotting) with great success.


Anybody know of a place to order bulk amendments from?


Here is one for ya: https://buildasoil.com


Thank you sir. Truly appreciated

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https://www.kisorganics.com another good one for ya.

My soil mix is very simple. the primary component is native volcanic clay from my back yard. the clay is composed of extremely small particles and it is quite dense, so it naturally has a high cation exchange capacity. It is a great source of trace minerals as well, and it serves the same purpose as more expensive amendments like rock dust. I use a high ratio of perlite for aeration and drainage, between 1/3 and 1/2 the amount of clay in the mix. after the perlite is mixed in, the remaining 25 percent of the mix is good quality worm castings. The combination of clay and worm castings serves as my humus. for trace amendments I use at least a quarter cup of kelp and neem seed meal, and about a tablespoon of oyster shell flower.

During growth I mulch them every 2-3 weeks with fresh chopped lemon balm from my cover crop and worm castings. I occasionally top dress with dried kelp, or foliar feed them with kelp tea. occasionally I mulch them with local mushroom compost instead of worm castings. I occasionally water them with a teaspoon or less of maple syrup per half gallon of water to feed the microbial life, or replenish it if the soil starts to dry out.

The mix starts out dense but well aerated, and after one or two grow cycles with beneficial decomposers like rolly pollys and earthworms breaking down the mulch and old root systems, it turns into rich fluffy dark colored humus.


Farm and feed stores have the 50# bag for around $10

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the closer you are to Arkansas, the cheaper the rice hulls.