Green Crack outdoor grow from clone

It was in 3 gal of rich organic soil (recipe below) that was transplanted on top of a layer of Subcool’s supersoil in a 7 gal pot and filled in with the same organic mix as before (I ran out of supersoil because I also use it on my veggies, it’s great for everything). Nothing else except water and some molasses once in the while.

My mix (makes ~5 gallons before I add ~1/3 of that in perlite so ~6.5-7 gal total)
I use a small pot (~1.6 gallons) to mix up my soil and use “parts” of it to measure
1/3 (~1.6 gal) good potting soil (I use Dr Earth Pot o Gold)
1/6 (~.8 gal or half the pot) coco coir and 1/6 (same) peat moss
1/6 (~.8 gal or half the pot) worm castings and 1/6 (same) compost

5 tbsp azomite
8 tbsp rock phosphate
5 tbsp each of bloom bat guano, DTE bio-live, and insect frass
4 tbsp each of neem seed meal and Espoma garden-tone
3 tbsp each of kelp meal, Down to Earth vegan mix (cue irony), bone meal, and blood meal
1 tbsp granulated humic acids and epsom salt
1.5 tsp dolomite lime

Yes, I’m one of those excessive organic guys. I could feel the eye rolls from here lol. And if you think that’s bad don’t read my new mix here: What's your organic soil recipe? - #105 by MisticHaze
I added unicorn manure :slight_smile:

In my defense, I already had most of these amendments from mixing up the super soil so I decided to use them for my mix. Then I got hooked…hooked? green crack? get it?
(crickets chirping)