When a sponsorship is required to post?

This cracked me up… :sweat_smile:

For the record, I would not feel okay with anyone paying for me to be here. Whether pitched in by many or not. I don’t and cant feel like I am a burden in any way to anyone. It makes me sick. So please know I appreciate it, but I wouldnt want anyone considering to do this…


Fair enough, was just a thought but I understand your thinking :v:


What sucks is that rules happen for a reason, and then if they are not followed it wrecks the discipline for the whole site. I run another forum and found this out the hard way.

While I fully agree that this case is probably an exception to the intent of the rule, nonetheless “exceptions” are a slippery slope for an Admin. What happens when the next breeder comes along, asks for an exception, then turns full retail on us?

Seen the same thing happen on many sites.Vendors are often treated as advertisers (because most often that is their intent), and as such asked to register as a vendor. The way I have seen others get around this was by registering as John-Doe and then keeping a low profile regarding their business side. But… in this case he brings cred and background that wouldnt be as valuable if he were anonymous.

It is a tough call, and while I really appreciate the openness of @RomulanGenetics , I do understand why a site admin would be reluctant to make exceptions. Personally, on my own site, I would review the rule, maybe change it - maybe not. But I would tend to change the rule before making an exception.

My 2 tokes worth…


If its a matter of money, I say pass the hat on Rom’s behalf, he’s worth it. I also understand if you don’t feel comfortable with that. I would cover a month though, bet others would too.


At least if I do have to go I will be leaving you all with plenty. My Communion clone just went off to @misterbee and I know that the repro work with my Romulan seeds will go well and all of you can get some from @Jinglepot :v: :green_heart:


You moderate and intervene. Its simple to do. Someone gets out of line, you ban or remove them temporarily. Or is that difficult to do? Just seems simple to me from my point of view.


I would just make a new account with a general name like koolaidjoe or something (I’m sure you could be ore creative than me) you are a member with invaluable knowledge that is definately a positive to the community


I feel like that would be skirting the rules… I did mention to Joe if they just need to change my name to RomulanJake or something, I am okay with that. I understand whatever he decides is what he has to do and I wont hold any grudges or hard feelings. I will miss this place though.


Rules are made for a reason, sure, but, imho there is nothing wrong with finding a way around rules. Someone will just make a new rule if it’s deemed improper. :laughing:

RomulanJake… or LemonadeJake… I thought I was pretty clever woth KoolaidJoe though


I don’t feel good about that at all. Let’s not forget the seeds you sent for re-pro are ones you are currently selling yourself.

I know that I’m new 'round here, but generosity like that should be repaid in kind.

Would we run Bodhi out of here if he made an account? Other forum users sell beans and don’t need to pay for vendor accounts.


Just tossing my vote in the hat for RG to stay. I can’t imagine it’s an easy decision for Lemonade Joe to make but it would be great if he didn’t have to leave. I agree with others that Jake has been acting just like a regular user and has been an absolute gentleman on the site. Anyway, I hope this works out.


made me lol to be honest…


So, what exactly is the “rule”. Is it anyone who sells seeds or clones or anything cannabis related, whether they peddle them here or not, has to be a sponsor? Surely that would mean a lot more members here would need to be sponsors. I thought sponsorship was so you could “advertise” and sell stuff here on the site. I have not seen @RomulanGenetics do that (though maybe he has and I missed it). Quite the opposite. I have only seen him give freely and participate as a valuable member.

Anyway, I’m a nobody, but that’s my thought.


Pretty sure if this forum was “Survivor-like”, there are plenty who would be voted off the island (including myself) before RG was. You’ve been more than helpful on here.


Man, say it aint so. Really hope theres a way for you to stay @RomulanGenetics :vulcan_salute:


I think the solution could be pretty simple.

This is just my opinion here…
Put him on probation, Absolutely no form of advertisement whatsoever.
No links no sales talk 0 tolerance.

If he follows those rules and is in every way like all the other members, I feel this should be allowed.
Again just my 2 cents here.

It is super easy to delete a post or even ban him if he is out of line.
I feel this could work, lay down the law from the get-go here and he may have to walk a fine line for a bit to earn the mods trust.

If he can not follow the rules set forth and is a burden on the moderators, I could see that as the reason for banning him completely.

I know the site needs to make some money to stay afloat but the fees they are asking is very hard for a small business to swing.
So I feel for my man @RomulanGenetics here.

He seems like the kinda guy, that once the big money started to roll in he would be happy to then pay for some advertising at that point.

Again just my opinion here, I am new here.
But I love to help out the little guys in the world, sometimes they just need a little help to get going, get some traction so to speak.

Best wishes @RomulanGenetics


MadeThisNameCuzExtortion can be his new name ! lol guy has been nothing but class and generous, kinda sucks to see this happen to him. hopefully common ground is found and made as he obv aint here siphoning money for his beans.


The concern isn’t that I’m breaking rules and advertising… its that other sponsors will apparently eventually ask questions as to why I am not a sponsor and I’m guessing that may cause issues?

I’ve never been warned or told I was doing anything wrong. I’ve been emailed several times asking if I want to be a paid sponsor. The last email seemed to make it an ultimatum rather than an option and the reason was given as other sponsors may get upset that I’m here and not listed as a sponsor.

But as mentioned above, I’m not the sole breeder here who isn’t a sponsor. So I suppose exceptions can be made… for specific situations.


If this were the case I would have eaten you all by now out of hunger :joy:

Rules are rules but rules are not the only things that matter.


I’m not even ripe.