When a sponsorship is required to post?

Which isn’t right. I’m not a shill or a fan boy as I’ve never grown any of your stuff. What I am is slightly irritated. You haven’t been pushing any seeds or trying to get money by selling genes here.

If you have to pay, then so should every person, sponsor or not, that gives away free seeds here. Monetize the free seeds/clones thread and all the co-ops and preservation runs too.


I appreciate you’re coming from a particular direction but one of the things I like most about this place is that it has democratized seeds and info and growing. I’d hate to see that disappear.


I was first struck by Jake’s statement about PTSD crap, and isolation in NorCal, and generally just in need of a comfortable place land and to be friends and have a normal experience chatting with like minded folks. I live alone in a rural part of the country and I struggle with loneliness in general, especially in winter.

I hope we can find a work around. I haven’t found you “off putting” at all and never felt like I was talking to someone who was steering me towards his product.

You answered questions we all had about your stuff, but never said a thing about a deal or a sale or whatever. Maybe we could have a few rules that would allow a breeder to be a friend here. If people complained then maybe we have a group picked to decide on a case by case basis if it’s a flagrant act or not.

I for one have appreciated your candor. I learned quite a bit from reading your posts. Thanks Jake!


I think changing his name to RomulanJake should be considered seriously as a proposal.

Breeders being here participating in discussions, genetic preservation, and sharing their knowledge is a benefit to the forum at large, nobody should rush to chase them off


I can think of at least three other users off the top of my head (other than Tony Green, who’s already been mentioned) here on the forum who I know sell seeds; two of them are on Strainly and don’t advertise unless you consider posting grow pics, but one is a breeder and seedbank owner who regularly advertises here and still doesn’t seem to be a supporter or sponsor. If the rules were being applied evenly, that might be one thing, although I’d be sad to see all of those folks go just because they happen to sell seeds. As I’ve said before - this isn’t right, in my not-so-humble opinion.


Sorry, I’m not fond of bringing private (and business) communication out to public, so I’m responding in the PM channel again.

To set the record straight, @Tonygreen has prepaid his sponsorship for many years in advance by running a site wide fundraiser. Tony and others like Baudelaire have very similar posting pattern like RG, and they are paying Sponsors. I just can’t justify making exceptions, this is about being loyal to those who are already supporting us financially. Reading a post by post and moderating missteps, like it was suggested, is out of question, nobody has time for that.

I wholeheartedly agree that RG’s contributions are exceptional, and I’ve taken that into account in order to find a mutually advantageous compromise.


When’s the rg fundraiser , I’m in : )


I’ve seen @RomulanGenetics around OG and never realized you were a breeder.

The problem is if one gets a pass all the paying sponsors would be outraged and rightfully so but IDK. I don’t see the majority of sponsors doing anything but promos. It’s not a jab at them it just is what it is and RG drops free knowledge.

How much is the sponsorship? I’ll pitch $10 to that and make a $15 donation to OG if it helps keep you here. Been meaning to donate to OG anyway, now seems like a good time!


That’s not fair though, any paid sponsor that is peddling there gear on here is doing it for cash, not friends and community. As long as your not trying to sell things without a sponsorship it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone. That’s just my 2 cents


I think changing a username is a very fair compromise, that way his name doesn’t advertise the business and he could still share knowledge like a regular member


I tried that suggestion bud but RomulanGenetics declined. What about a site fundraiser? Would that be something you would be interested in @RomulanGenetics ?


Is @Jinglepot s run the fundraiser ?
: )


I would buy some @RomulanGenetics gear to support OG!


I’d put dollars on an RG fundraiser for OG if that’s a solution that would work for everyone. I guess from my standpoint I feel like the offer and permission of current line genetics and clones for free reproduction and distribution here counts for something, even if it doesn’t directly help the website keep running. Maybe we can figure out something out that lets Jake stay here and keep talking with us about old and new strains, and gets the website some server funds through a fundraiser of some sort for seeds or clones.


Don’t want to speak for anyone here, but in the interest of finding a solution it was mentioned that Tony was given his status by holding a raffle, likely of his gear, to benefit the site, could this be a workable solution for RG? If he would be willing or interested of course. Again not trying to speak for anyone just trying to help look for solutions. You know us OG members we love a good raffle!!


Functionally what is the difference between offering free clones / free seeds to OG members and running a fundraiser, especially if Jake isn’t trying to sell his gear here?

It’s those sorts of contributions that attract members to the site which is why it has sponsors to begin with, right?
And the co-op funds the site too?


I’d pitch in that fir sure!


I get your point but from a business standpoint that does not really help those who are paid supporters. They must not be left feeling someone got special treatment over them IMO.


For the most part CO-OP runs are meant to be cash neutral. The strain donation is meant to pay shipping costs of breeders and material costs for shipping to individuals.


Just to poke the bear a little, even without selling or soliciting seeds, operating as a seedbank on OG creates brand awareness which leads to the selling of seeds. It’s a slippery slope.

I’ve seen RG on here and he seems like a good guy but LJ makes a good point about fairness.