When a sponsorship is required to post?

Need to find a different hosting/isp that does not charge for bandwidth, I have been running my own VPS since 1993 with no cost/paying for bandwidth. Just saying.


well said doug. sometimes the chips fall in your favor, other times not so much. i personally wish Jake all the best luck, and all the good things in the world, and very much appreciate his good vibes for the short time he was here.


As was suggested, changing his username to RomulanJake would have solved the issue. It wouldnā€™t have been directly advertising his website that way and would show he was just another user giving free seeds and clones to this community.

Iā€™m suprised nobody asked him if he could donate some seeds to be auctioned. This is essentially what Tony did without all the fiasco that happened after. Letā€™s face it, OG is the only one who didnā€™t get screwed on that deal.

Iā€™m all for making a buck, but running off reputable breeders over a sponsorship rubs me the wrong way.


they did, but he stopped responding after his last post that same very day.


So is it said anywhere how much it cost be a vendor? Is it the $10-20 a month normal supporters pay, or do they have to pay a higher tier?

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has to be higher, jake said he couldnt afford/justify it.

wouldnt make sense for it to be as low.


I fully understand @ReikoX , I was hoping for a solution myself. I did ask if he would be willing to donate seeds for an auction, offered to donate seeds myself and also even suggested we pay the fees for him. He was also aware of the name change idea. None of it seemed to fly with him unfortunately. Thatā€™s why I said I was not sure what the solution would be as all suggestions, including the change of name, were not accepted by Jake.

I donā€™t know that we can say he was run off when we did find a number of solutions to the situation, some of which would not have cost him a penny or seed. He chose to not accept any of those solutions and just left. It really did not have to end that way. I would like to see him come back and go with one of the routes offered up to him, I think it would be good for everyone.


It is higher but not that expensive. I canā€™t get into actual amounts as that information was provided to me in a PM so it would not be right for me to speak of such things past saying it is not an unreasonable amount and gives you the ability to freely advertise your wares. Specifics would have to be provided by Joe.


thats kind of what I figured.

Maybe there is some way to set up more officially what yall tried to do with romulangenetics. Or some kind of restricted lower tiered coupon/discount level for content creators/amateurish level breeders. I know its a tricky situation to need people making content and givaways to drive member numbers, without shorting the vendors. But you need both imho. One thing vendors have is the ability to sell other people seeds too. So its not like they got nothin extra. But maybe some way to restrict the new poor people would widen the gap so vendors know theyā€™re getting something. Or maybe some kind of one time one drop set up, so people with 1 or 2 varieties donā€™t have to be on a subscription, but can pay a one time payment for one thread about one seed lot?
Also what about giving away seeds that your also selling elsewhere? Wouldnā€™t that be a type of advertisement, but also a mutually beneficial one?

Iā€™m not trying to complain in any way, so I hope its not taken that way. Just spitballin ideas, and lookin for clarification :slight_smile:


he offered to change his name. was he denied that option ? that should have solved everything imo then no one could say he was promoting

edit nm i see this was already brought up. ignore this lol

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I mean, at the end of the day he was being told someone had to pay LJ for the privilege of him posting.

If you want to view this as a business thatā€™s totally kosher. I would point out that a community and a business have different goals and different engagement guidelines. Communities are about helping each other, whereas if this is a business then I donā€™t owe LJ anything and neither does Jake, and this is bad PR for the business.


If youā€™re operating as a business and wish to promote, market, sell your goods into this community, there is a sponsor route available.

Correct. You are either here to integrate as part of the community or you are here to promote yourself and your business. The two are treated differently.

Letā€™s not inject additional imagination into what was actually going on here. Man joins with his business credentials, business logo and all, more or less non-responsive to sponsorship guidelines and private discussion, makes a variety of promotional posts linking to his venture, inserts a middleman from their business to negotiate, goes around in circles, does not agree to sponsorship, posts an ā€˜not welcome here OPā€™ (was never said anywhere except in this OP) to create leverage.

His company is established, it operates as business, his intent was the promotion of the sale of his genetics. Requiring a sponsorship is not a ā€˜surpriseā€™ or something new and unheard of. The man was capable of joining the community to interact without engaging in the marketing of his company. They had decided against that. P.S. heā€™s still a member here.


As many people have stated, he was not marketing his company or acting like a sponsor. You stating otherwise is duplicitous.


Also, either this is a community or itā€™s a business. Which one is it?

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Eh, like Loki said, he joined with his business name and logo. If he joined with his own name and posted what he did, this would be a non-issue.


Why is it an issue that people know who he is and what business he runs? As many people stated, he was GIVING things to people, and giving out info. Not trying to get sales or promote his website.

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so if you were a paying sponsor and another business joins and gets a free ride, thatā€™s cool with you?

Its a double edged sword thing here.


Nobody got a free ride. He didnā€™t advertise. So yeah, it would be cool with me.

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The nick itself is advertisement mateā€¦


See, thatā€™s where I disagree. I donā€™t think someone having a nickname or profile picture rises to the level of paying for a sponsorship.