When a sponsorship is required to post?

Guess Logic is watching, he followed me on IG. Fak off ya pomy whinge! Did I spell that right? lol


Is logic a chicken, why do I picture I chicken when you say his name?

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so Jake was really ran off from here ehā€¦ pretty disappointing, @RomulanGenetics if you do see this thanks for the help you did in the romulan run jinglepot is doing. hope things end up well for you and ill be grabbing some of those new genetics your working on in the future


Ya this saddens me extremely. I love the fact everyone wants to pitch in to keep Jake around, this definitely helps keep the faith. I would gladly chip in as well, however knowing Jake personally I doubt heā€™d ever take anything. The man is a saint and I have SEVERAL instances where he has given out of pocket to help others including myself. Iā€™ve known him for a little over a year now and have the utmost faith in him and his products. I truly hope we can find a resolution for this as people like him are hard to come by and are truly a HUGE benefit to a community like this. as is my brother @Tonygreen . I will talk with Jake @RomulanGenetics and see if thereā€™s anything we can do.


Why does this feel like a conversation about keeping share holders happy and profits up? Eww.


Someone has to pay the bills and keep the lights on.


You figure they would have found a different way to do it by now, some forums sale their own genetics, some sale grow equipment, some generate ad revenue, some get paid by Amazon every time some one clicks a link posted on their forum. Not saying there arenā€™t bills to pay, just saying there are better ways of doing it, donā€™t put the burden on those who use your platform. could you imagine if Facebook or Craigslist charged people to post on marketplace? Has anyone even looked up the average cost to lease/own a server?

One forum made a classifieds section just for me to sale my 3d printed wares at no cost to me, thats love commitment and community right there.


I donā€™t think most people understand how much bandwidth we suck up and what that actually costs.


wish i knew that number, but since storage disks are cheap now, I couldnā€™t imagine it costing much. worst case probably 300 a month? (i know that number is probably laughable) The number probably rises with more images posted. But really the main cost would be the overgrow.com domain.

its hard to tell publically but just a search brought up this cost


to buy that domain.


Depends on how the server is setup, if its a cloud server then you donā€™t need high bandwidth, but these are the things we donā€™t know, and are not likely to find out. Storage itself is very cheap these days and most servers use hdds meaning super cheap per tb, so again it depends on if its a cloud based server or a on site server.

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If I had to see eBay ads on overgrow I would probably throw up.

A few sponsors I donā€™t mind as long as itā€™s not invasive.

Weā€™ve got a pretty clean sandbox people.


or overgrow


Im sure LJ might be willing to sell for 44 billion. Or at least I wouldnā€™t blame him.


Free it from what? The tyranny of LJ?

Iā€™m more anti-capitalist than the next guy but cā€™mon.

My favourite radio station occasionally asks for money too. Not demands, asks.

I donā€™t claim to know anything about the accounting of the site but if it makes some money so what?


Hey RomulanGenetics - just give $10.00 once to become a supporter !!! maybe the door will be open so we(members) can learn from you or at best offer a ā€œSeed-give-a-wayā€ with your genetics -


I second that about ā€œroll-it-upā€ was a member many years ago but they took a left turn so to say - the fourm is not for me today. They were at one time one of the few sites that were offered on the web, the member base was OK BUT changed over time.

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He really is gone. Coincidentally, @RomulanGenetics last day here was also the same day as @vernalā€™s last post.


Eh either way Iā€™m cool with, I mean I am getting spam email ads from og all the time anyways, and imo much more respectable then asking your users for it.

Every so often this debate goes on here and folks start guessing about how much it costs to run this site or if Joe is making any money. The reality is that itā€™s none of our business. OG was not presented to me as a non profit. Itā€™s a business run by someone. The business has minimal sponsors and takes donations to keep things running well. Storage space, bandwidth, overall maintenance are all things that needs to be dealt with.

In this case the debate was triggered by someone joining OG with the company name @RomulanGenetics. Now he did not come here and start advertising his wares nor pushing anyone to buy from them however I can see how this was an issue. Jake is a great addition to OG. When you look at it he showed up here to save a seed run where some Romulan seeds had failed. He offered up some free seeds so it could continue which was very noble but if you are anything like me the first thing you did was hit the Romulan Genetics site and check it out. Itā€™s just cause and effect. It was not Jake pushing anyone that direction but a natural flow of things when he came here and was being very active. A current advertiser here could see that as an issue which puts Joe in a tough spot.

The fix for this was to have Romulan Genetics join as an advertiser. Jake did not want to do this as he felt he was just another user. I can understand that position. We offered to pay those fees for him but he declined which I also understand. He clearly did not want anyone paying the freight for him and I can respect that. Unfortunately that still left the initial problem to deal with. Jake very graciously left which disappointed many users who found his content and presence to be a positive thing for OG. I am just not sure what the fix for this would be as our solutions of paying the fees for him or holding a server auction for him were declined.

In the end we all want a site that is fast, allows us to keep uploading and gives us a good experience which I feel OG does quite well. These things require infrastructure that must be paid for and maintained. I think we have to respect that both Joe and Jake did what they felt was best and although it did not turn out the way many of us would have liked it to, sometimes these things happen. Hopefully Jake will decide to come back to OG as his presence is missed but either way I for one wish him well and donā€™t hold his absence against OG but rather chalk it up to an unfortunate set of circumstances.


We own a business and most people that dont even know us think we are rich. They have no idea what it takes to run the business. Electricity is higher for business than it is for a home. Foods costs through the roof. Required to have a minimum of 2 million insurance. The list goes on and on.
Iā€™m on no ones side of this. Iā€™m just saying what I personally experience