When a sponsorship is required to post?

A LOT can be said about this and similar situations, thats for sure…

But I think a clear distinction can easily be made between a regular member who happens to own a bank and a bank owner who happens to be a member :wink:


Can’t knock the hustle my first instinct after seeing this thread was to google romulan genetics😂


:grin: thats the magic of it all !


That’s funny. I’m not accustomed to this sort of advertising so when I see it it’s a big turn off. I make a mental note of avoidance “I will never buy a Nissan because you were so rude as to interrupt my show.” :love_you_gesture:


You see it a lot in online spaces; create drama, drama creates interest, interest creates awareness which creates customers.


The member in question seems to be a breeder and seedbank owner first and member second. Most of his posts are in the breeder’s lab discussing his own work, or the seedbank section where he outright advertises drops and promos for his seedbank. Maybe there’s been an arrangement made like with Tony and he just hasn’t been added to the sponsors list? Either that, or… I have no idea. It seems impossible that the mods wouldn’t have noticed already. Hopefully that’s all it is, a private arrangement and forgetting to update his status, because otherwise I have no idea what the rules are.

edit: spoke with LJ, there were already plans in motion to make them a sponsor. All good. :slight_smile:


I see ppl doing that in the post your budshots thread that are not sponsors. Very clear what they are doing but they don’t have to pay for a sponsorship.


Some people get a pass. This is a fact of life. Private arrangements or a polite nod from across the room, both parties are aware of each other. :wink:

Now, this is not my turf. I don’t know who you are speaking of specifically here but In the case of bigger guys, traffic generated > sponsorship. You know, like how everybody pays a cover charge at that event but we don’t :wink:


For the common mortal, showing off what whatever p stock your using and answering a few questions, gets a pass.
Ignoring anything concerning provenance, shopping.
Bonus points if you contribute to general growing discussions.

The push should and will get a whipping. In this day and age there’s a modus operandi to most everything touching these subjects. If you walk the rope, push and push hard your product, no post without your last line, well…

Let’s lay the fundamentals…

Story, moving.
Accessible, touching.
I’m.like you.
We in this together.
(The government is your best friend, when it gets its cut, it will give some back, like pimps.)
Here is a gift.

Lost train of thoughts, phone n all :grin:

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What was the big deal about putting some seed up for auction with a little cut to the site to pay for his sponsorship? Seemed like an easy fix. Won’t find a better site to post on that’s as easygoing as this one.


Honestly, that would seem like the best course of action.


2 totally different people. One is a gem, the other is, imo, a bully


Are you saying LJ’s real name is Sharon?? :wink::laughing::laughing::laughing:


He will continue to gain business via myself and people foollowing my seedrun. I will shamelessly promote a person that is as kind and knowledgeable as he is. Also, his customer service was/is beyond reproach.


The discussion over this has more or less gone full circle.

If the man wishes to market and promote his company here, he can work an arrangement with the site admin.

/thread 24 hours.


Oh, Im with you @Jinglepot . I find the whole thing unfortunate. Only Jake can make the decision to return to the pages of OG, and I hope he does!


While having breeders here is awesome, totally awesome, after reading through the thread he made there is no doubt he was promoting his business in the thread. Link to website, discussion of how to order, making suggestions about what crosses people might like, etc… mixed in with awesome info about the history of the strain Romulan, and his story/journey in cannabis.

I do still hope @RomulanGenetics makes his way back, but I totally get how current sponsors would feel. I also agree with LJ that the relationship with current sponsors is much more important than the potential to bring on a new sponsor.


Cause if you’re about creating a community, you’d be more open about it. Instead, as far as I can see, Overgrow’s finances are a black box.

If this is about your bottom line, as some people have stated, why should I play along? I’m not your customer. I’m not your sponsor. You’re making money off my participation in this community if this is a business.

If it’s about hosting a community and keeping the lights on like a “Sharon” then why are you so tight lipped about the whole thing?

Also, there most definitely are categories. If the goal is to create a wonderful community where knowledge is shared, then you wouldn’t have hit Jake up for money. That specifically rules out the idea of this being a community based on sharing knowledge and goodwill.

If his behaviour was enough to upset paying sponsors, then maybe you don’t provide enough to your sponsors.

If you’re not paying for the product you are the product. Not a criticism of OG.

If you’re not comfortable with this you should stay off the internet and go live in a cave.

The fact that this discussion is even allowed to happen is a good sign.