When a sponsorship is required to post?

OG is hands down the very best forum out there by far, if you don’t like what goes on, maybe find somewhere better where the evil corporate vampires don’t feed on the the blood of the helpless masses :sunglasses:


Seriously man, you don’t need to ‘play’ along. You are here on your own volition and, I’d say, you’ve made out like a bandit. At the same time, you have no compunction with throwing shade, theories, and making demands. Simply being here does not produce any type of commitment from OG and the existing community. And, the converse.

You’ve stated a number of times that you have your own forum that you run. Run that as you please. And, I mean that with well wishes.

If he wishes to share knowledge he is still a member. If he (they) wish to intermingle marketing and promotion of their for-profit company, a sponsorship route exists. Repeat loop occurring …


For the record I like Jake too, but without rules… there is chaos.


Things can easily fit in more than one category. For example, private collages, or private schools in general, just as the first example I could think of, are clearly both a community, both in the residential sense, and in the “community of ideas” sense, and simultaneously a money making commercial operation.

OG is like school for growing weed!


Isn’t it time to just close this topic? Just askin… The rules are clear, it’s up to Jake if he returns or not, we’re all here of our own device :man_shrugging:


Tomorrow morning.


Oh dear god, thank you. Lmfao.

Just fkn around. But boy that was one hell of a series of events.


What If I rush Onstage and Try To Bite @LemonadeJoe , I’d Be Famous!

I thought it was a great read, it shows the level of intelligence, leadership, self control & dedication that a team of volunteer contributors bring to the table. Thanks as always to Lemonade Joe, The Admins & Doug Dawson. You all give me great hope for the future of this site. Thank You.


Thats the fact Jack! And good rules ensure fairness across the board.

It’s simple ignorance to think a website can be run on being a “community” No money, no worky too good.


So you’re saying we live in a society?


Movie, rock, stars have been doing this kind of stuff for years as it must work because they keep doing it. Bad press is good press.


It’s why I made a sex tape. But it didn’t really work out the way I hoped. It turns out you need another person.


Especially when the person trying to draw customers gets to be a victim (either real or perceived).


Guess you did not post to Chaturbate, :rofl:


Praise to the deity of your choice that I don’t know what that is and am forced to speculate :joy:.

Also I took a sociology course one time and the lesson was that we do, in fact, live in a society. I was shocked.



Professor Joker up in the house.p


This doesn’t seem like a big deal. Its a path for people to get going without startup cash. But what it really boils down to is a one time payment. So how much has to be generated and passed to the site, and how long does that take care of your vendor status.
Theres a path, but imo it could use some more ridged edges, and something resembling a price tag. Personally I really hate monthly bills because of living check to check. If I suddenly couldn’t pay, I’d feel like a thief or a deadbeat. That just me and my preferences tho.

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I think it’s ok for you to be part of this community as long as you dont push your products or tell/advertise that you have seeds for sale…do what most of us do, give away or trade your seeds to other members…I’m from old school Overgrow and I’ve always said seeds/cuttings should be for free…I have never charged or taken any cash for my homemade genetics…


It is cool that this thread got to go a little bit. Some ideas thrown around and stuff. Some effort to work with people and make things happen. I understand how tricky a situation it is. This site has a lot of people who think every seed should be free, and nothing about this site should ever change. But I also see a wave of new breeders trying to get started without a lot of capital(myself included). Its really up to joe how he wants the site to evolve or stay the same. I’m bias towards breeders but I like seeing any encouragement and or help for those people, especially the new small guys because I feel their struggles. For me, if I give every seed away for free, I can’t run the lights, so forget about expansion. Everyones situation is different.


I don’t think anything here needs to change @RandomHumanoid. Overgrow gives breeders the opportunity to share their wares for free. Let’s face it, nothing is better for a brand than to see folks using it. So for a new breeder trying to build a reputation it is a very smart idea to send seeds out for free.

In the case of Romulan Gentics we are talking about an established breeder that has been in business for 5 years and is known. They have their own site, seed bank and products that they are already selling including merchandise like hoodies and such. There products are also sold in a dozen other seed banks. $150 USD for 12 seeds is fairly pricey too when you consider most BOG strains, a well established breeder, sell for under $100 for 13 seeds.

In the case of an established breeder it seems only logical that if you want to advertise your wares that you have to pay to play. Overgrows prices for becoming a sponsor are very reasonable and would not break the bank as far as I am concerned. When you are talking about a business things cost. Advertising costs are part of the pile of bills that go with having a business the same as paying for your space, packaging and electricity.

It is up to each individual to decide if it is worth it to them to become an advertiser here. Like any business one has to decide if the minimal cost of advertising here would bring a return worth the investment. If one does not feel the return would be worth it than they should just not advertise here but what cannot be accepted is folks not being willing to pay the freight but advertise anyway. That being allowed has the potential to threaten the current relationships with those who chose to legitimately advertise here.

I do understand the difficulty in becoming a new breeder. It’s difficult, time consuming and costly. It also takes many years of work before I would consider someone a breeder as they need to work lines for many generations IMO. Overgrow is here providing a platform that gives those new folk the opportunity to share their offerings and help them build a reputation. That is a big asset for new breeders. When it comes to the time when those breeders are ready to start selling their products than it’s time for those people to do what all businesses have to do, pay their way.