When is it too late?

Midwest here, got quite a few clones rooting, and some early veg gals as well. When is it too late for me to get some these gals outdoors, and for the bigger ones, is there such a thing as too early?


You have 12 days 'till the longest day of the year.
No worries in putting any/all of them out under the sun (although if they have only been indoors thus far, you will probably need to gradually harden them off before exposing them to a full day of direct sun).
The only limiting factor in putting any plants out too early is simply how big you want them to get. The earlier you put them outdoors, the bigger they will get before the onset of flowering. The size of your containers will also determine their size out under the sun.
The bigger the container, the bigger the plant. If you are going to put them in the ground they will still get pretty big before Mother Nature induces flowering.
So, most assuredly, it is not too late.
Best of luck.


“Too early” is about the last frost. Probably safe there but check Google for the average last frost in your area.


Man your fine. If anything u might be a little late but they will give u a harvest. Prolly push first frost. Plants do mature earlier when put out early. Good luck!


So would my best bet me to toss about 4 or 5 of those big gals outside?

Edit: my location for outdoor is a privately owned, military no fly zone so size isn’t really a concern.

People are still talking about putting seeds outside your good.

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I did one grow out side . All high dollar seeds . Ass hole forest deer ate my plants . They were about your size too . Protect them .

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I’ll whoop a deers ass

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Deer don’t care for strong, offensive smells. Make a spray using hot peppers and/or garlic and spray the plants and a perimeter around the plants to keep them away from your crop.

These sprays will keep a lot of nibbling animals away from your crop, not just deer.

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Bambi is very sneaky it’s going to be hard to whoop that deers ass if you don’t know which deer ate your plants . I found this link thought it might help with the deer :deer:.

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I tried dog hair and plenty of urine. It kept the deer away for awhile. It seemed like liquid fence was a longer lasting solution. Some people string up fishing line across the deer trails (if you really look you can find them) in and out of the area. If they hit something. They can’t see it can scare them off.

In the NE US (NW NJ) the Deer were totally out of control. I had several guerilla plots which were ravaged regularly by marauding, ravenous Deer. I tried mothballs, soap shavings, predator urine, human urine, dog hair, pepper and garlic sprays, to no avail. These did not even slow them down. The only effective way to stop the Deer from destroying my crops was Deer netting fencing around all of my plots. I had to put it close to 7 feet tall surrounding my plants in order to enjoy the harvest fruits of my labor.
I also had to use the deer netting on all of my veggie patches in my yard, because nothing else I tried would work.
I came to loathe the miserable bastids.


In Southern Ct things arent much better. We have dead dear litter all over the highway right now.
I was young I didnt make much in the form of a paycheck. I took my pay and purchased seeds
. vegged them in doors hiked a hour into the woods planted them to come back 2 weeks later to find hoof prints and chewed plants.
Never again …

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Always think of this when deer are brought up


“I dont have a gun but id shoot a baby deer in the mouth and feel nothing”

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It’s going great, then in classic Lewis ck fashion, he takes it too far. :rofl:

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The ending was kinda a call back to this bit I believe lol

I am sure he was the one who killed Bambi’s mother … :pensive: