When was the first clone only strain cloned?

I believe if my memory serves me cultivators started cloning in the 70’s when indoor production started…but could have been well before this. Hard to say but I’m sure there is documentation on this subject.

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It means that it’s not a seed line, it’s a specific plant.
Say you have a seed line( Northern Lights #5 x Haze C) and you grow 20 plants of that seed line. Out of these 20 plants you find 1 outlier of the group, a girl which smells like sweet pineapple candy that you just love, you test smoke her and low and behold, she have a banging high and pronounced pineapple taste. You decide yo name her “Pineapple Girl” and pass the clone to a couple of friends and with time it spread all over the place.

Pineapple Girl is now a clone only. It only exists in clone form and you found her in seeds which produced 95% woody, incense, leather terps and had a different high. So she’s an outlier in the seed line, so there is no seed line for her.

You can try to BX or self her, but it will never really be the same.

Hope I could give you an understand of how a potential clone only could come about and why it’s a clone only.

Pz :v:t2:


Nice, how old are your G13 seeds.

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@Jhamersburg The actual seeds are quite new but the seed line they come from are from the early 00.

Pz :v:t2:

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I was a clone only strain whore back in the early Overgrow days and that’s all I grew…I also made my own crosses with the clone only strains…

Matanuska Thunder Fuck
Airbourne’s G13
Pacific’s G13
Nor Cal G13
Green Crack
Strawberry Cough
Arcata Trainwreck
Hawaiian Purple Kush
Romulan (Grape Pheno)

And many more, made my own crosses with these clone only strains above…they did not come in seed form back then…the seeds nowadays are not the same pheno as the original clone only strains…


@PhilCuisine That’s a genetic library of pure gold you got over there! Freaking awesome that you still have these and I hope you take good care of them.:fire::fire::fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Ogre, nice

@LonelyOC thanks for the explanation. How does one know a clone is legit though?

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@Garden-Buddy DNA testing or proper provenance is the only two methods.

Pz :v:t2:

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No I don’t have those clone only clones anymore, I just have crosses of them, seeds…Nowadays I just grow my crosses that I have created and I have not been disappointed…

I also pass my homemade seeds(clone only crosses) out to my farmer/rancher buddies to grow and all I ask from them is a branch or two from each strain they are growing…They grow plants that are 10+ft. tall plants…


@PhilCuisine That is fantastic! Hehe, I was talking about the seeds though. Imo is clone only nice, but what’s even nicer is to select fantastic plants on your own, that fits your own preferences. Even better if they are based on these clones. There is something special about a small seed in the dirt and see it grow, a satisfaction a clone never really can give you.

That is some magestic plants. You can see that they are cared for by very skilled hands.:fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Proper verification and documentation is the best way. That is why people usually have discussion threads about particular clones like Chem D and Triangle Kush.

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Nice Stash. :heart_eyes:

Looks almost like heaven.

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Was also thinking…-- maybe call it - Pre - Cambrian Afghanistan… :rofl:


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Mom Gooey aka Northern California Gooey from GooeyBreeder is from ~1984 I think :thinking: or somewhere close to that.

He posted she was 26 years old in 2010 !