White Widow legal flowers

bud porn! Dutch Passion White Widow from my first totally legal crop. This one was very sativa-looking and full of pistils which became orange hairs…it has an amazing orange peel taste and aroma. Unfortunately, I did not get seeds or clones.


found a pic of the actual plant around week 5-6. The seeds from DP were surprisingly weak, poor germination rate, but the females I did get were excellent.


Congratulations! Those are some dank looking buds! I wish we had a smell app. :relaxed:


Welcome to overgrow.


Congrats on a nice harvest.
Well done!
In my estimation White Widow should be more popular than it appears to be currently.
It is one of my all time favorites!
I just ran out of my stash a little while ago and I miss it.
Never tried growing DPs version. Please let us know how she is!


Congrats for legal crop! It must be big relief :wink:


yes, being legal is great, of course the plants can’t tell any difference. So I wrapped up my indoor garden until the fall and wasn’t doing outdoor, but everyone I know is popping seeds like crazy, a friend left this for me:

They are not sexed but this morning I found pistils on one! I don’t know how big it’s going to grow considering the late date, but…anyone up for a game of Where’s Waldo? (hint…look near the middle)

that was brutal, here’s an easier one if you couldn’t find him (her)


How was the DP White Widow? Only half the seeds germinated - not good. 4 males, one female that also looked way more sativa than the males. It had large yield, nice daytime high and good taste. So the plant was good, but given that I usually get 10/10 germination with seeds, I would order this strain from another breeder.

I also got DP Orange Hill Special. Again, the seeds looked immature as soon as I opened them, only 3 of 10 germinated, two females, I gave the taller one to a friend. The male plant was a runt, half the size of the other two, so I culled him. The one I kept was indeed awesome, great orange skunk taste and large yield, but I expected better quality seeds from “Masters at Work”. OHS did have nice fat colas and excellent medicinal body stone:


Those poor germination rates are not good advertisement of Dutch Passion products…


I have never tried DP’s version of WW…it seems like you were not very happy with it.

I have grown Mr. Nice’ (now called Black Widow), Paradise seeds, and most recently
Loved them all.
I was initially skeptical of Dinafem because they were fem seeds. It greatly exceeded my expectations…very stony and tasty.
Vigorous plants.

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I wish I could say something nicer, but I bought 3 packs and between poor germ and runts only about 1/3rd were useful. On either side of that project I grew out packs of my own seeds that have been sitting in the fridge for 10 years and got 10/10 germ. So it did not leave a good impression.

DP says only 3% of their business is now regular seeds, the rest autoflower and fem, that was probably a sign for me to stay away since “homey don’t play that”. Sticking with regular-only breeders like Dynasty, TGA, Mr. Nice, Resin, etc. from now on. The seeds are cheaper now from the Dutch seedbanks, I would like to explore more of their classic strains.

I do have one remaining breeder pack of “Real McCoy” from Flying Dutchman, the seeds look 100% mature, will see what happens with those, an old-school sativa based on Hawaiian. Sensi Star from Paradise is another all-time favorite, I’m holding some F2’s of them. So many seeds, so little time!!!


I am curious as to whether you think you will be able to finish those plants in time to avoid frost/light freeze?
Do you know what strain the little cuties are?

I have no idea! That Charlie Brown christmas tree is my first outdoor plant. I live close to the ocean so we get very late frosts here, November, it could be paradise for outdoor, I don’t know.

My buddy loves TGA, they are crosses of TGA strains, I believe Agent Orange, or possibly 9lb Hammer, or others, he didn’t label them. He screwed up his seedling mix or something, 10 of 12 seedlings he gave me turned out male :frowning:


I’ve had a differentr experience with my Dutch Passion regular white widow seeds, 10/10 germinated 6/10 are female. Sorry you experience wasn’t the same. It’s nice to share the experiences though as then we can see what other peoples are and form a general opinion the more people post.


I don’t blame them for male/female ratio, that’s on me… but I could see the seeds were immature. I’m getting tired of paying exhorbitant cannabis seed prices, so I expect a lot. I do other gardening, I’m used to ordering the latest killer hybrid strains of plants from Thompson & Morgan in England for $3 per pack, typically 100 seeds or more. Even opium poppies! Of course Thompson & Morgan’s seeds aren’t illegal under federal law. :smile:

Hopefully I just got a bad batch. I would highly recommend DP’s Orange Hill Special strain, I got a fantastic female plant out of the seed pack, that’s all you really need. I made seeds with my old Brother’s Grimm NL#5 male and also Hurkle, should be great crosses.

Here is the only photo I have of the OHS dried nuggage: - very appetizing! This is my last weed of the day before bedtime - 1 hour after vaping you drop into a coma:


Yes from memory mine were also immature looking seeds, I almost gave up on them but at day 6-7 they all popped over night. They were small and very light in colour. I will keep an eye out for an orange tasting one I do have a more sativa looking one. They are not the most uniform plants some very tall colum type with tight internodes but not much side branching indica dom looking leaves. Some middle size and some smaller ones, they have been topped and getting trained for scrog anyway.

That is good to hear. You should have time to finish them up nicely.

I used to grow outdoors in the NE US at latitude 40.69. First frost usually on or about Oct. 15. Some strains are much more resistant to a frost or light freeze than others. A hard freeze will kill them all.
Most of my plants would finish up OK.
The more sativa plants(in ground) would almost never make it.
Therefore I started putting more and more of my outdoor plants in containers, so I could move them inside to protect them.

Good luck!:smile:


thanks!! My friend built a nice 5X5 greenhouse last year, waiting for the referendum to pass, now he’s psyched, he can move his plants inside during frost or fall rains. I’d love to get one in my yard.

I’m at 43 degree north - I went to a presentation by “Boondock Alchemist”, a semi-famous grower from western Mass. He suggested anything crossed with C99 for New England outdoor, for fast finishing. I guess we need “early” type plants to avoid frost. That’s the bonus of coastal towns, it stays about 10 degrees warmer at night than inland.