Who do you want to smoke with?

1838-1858 to 1948 to 2048.



strangely that’s probably not the first time a really high person was thinking just that.

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i’d like to smoke with summer. Her developement in that show is awesome, as well as rick and morty of course. man i love that show, can’t stress this enough lol

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If I could go back in time I think I would have to say Ben Franklin.
Not only was the man a genius way ahead of his time but a regular kind of person and playboy.


Shit I think Xi Jinpings doing a pretty good job with China. Their economy up, the stupid 1 child policy, growing middle class, over 250 megawatts of solar energy production (~%30 global solar energy)

Shit I’d like to smoke with him too, he’s not a big fan recreational substances though dude doesn’t even drink either. His governing style kind of reminds me of Singapore’s Lee Kwan Yew. Pretty efficient blend of state industry, private capital and strong regulation. Economics should be treated as dogma.

I guess murdering, genocidal, despots like him can understand economics. Lack of morals, integrity or any other redeeming qualities don’t, necessarily, indicate a lack of intelligence.
I wouldn’t smoke with someone who I consider a monster.
Just my opinion. Enough said.


I agree I need to smoke with Willie Nelson

And that’s the greatest song :+1::+1::+1:

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That messed up little squirrel that looks like he smoked a bakers dozen of the wrong type of rock in Ice Age?

Yeah, I’d smoke with him, not because I want to, but it looks like he needs it…


Ha! Chill that critter down a bit, bring him a pocket full of acorns and a proper nutcracker for the munchies afterwords.

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I would need three different parties, greedy I know, but this is a fantasy thread afterall.

Day 1, Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle

Day 2, Byron, Blake, Wordsworth, and the Shellys’

Day 3, JANIS

Day 4-7 sleep


Maimonides would also be a good one, would have to be careful with that one. Wouldn’t want to break any of his rules;) I think he should have a talk with some of the jambronees running around these days.

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hell yeah! Summer is great, same here :wave:

I could care less about celebrities and famous people, I kinda wished my parents smoked…I would’ve loved to smoked with them with the strains that I’ve created.


So you’d like to smoke up with a guy who’d like to see you executed for smoking? :laughing:
That’s an odd choice my friend. To each his own I guess.

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Mandy Flores.

It deppends a lot,

If I wanted to have a nice time with music I would go with brazilian Gui Boratto.

If I wanted to be happy until bed time It would be Tommy Chong

If I wanted to learn about growing I would choose ReikoX


man, you’re lucky. that crazy mf in MY mirror is about 3 seconds slower than me and sometimes passes it to the guy on the right and not me. there ain’t no guy on the right…


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No need to scream though :rofl:

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oooops sorry fat fingers hit the caps lock key note to self pay attention whe ntyping while … well you know

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