Whose your favorite seed bank?

Everyone’s favorite seedbanks?


Hard one.

Great Lakes Genetics, many pluses. A significant downside is cash/MO by mail.

Else, in order, perhaps:


GLG JBC AND SPEAKEASY are my go tos here lately. GLG usually has the best selection of bodhi. They especially seem to have more freebie options for bodhi gear. JBC has a nice bodhi selection as well with easier payment options then GLG. And, SPEAKEASY has some higher end breeders that GLG and JBC does not like freeborn selections and csi humboldt. Also, SPEAKEASY crypto payment method is super easy even for someone like me who is crypto disabled and does not even have a bitcoin wallet. Its as easy as using a credit card.


Appreciate you weighing in Loki, many here are recently back to gardening these flowers after long breaks…families, the war on drugs…other things took them away for awhile…Fortunately most of my reserve came for free from other members…last time I was active in the’00s, BOG, Heaven’s Stairway, Marc Emery, very few others from the Americas compared to today most stock was coming from Holland unless you were knew the right people in the right places… Appreciate current people with current reviews. Thanks!!!


Good point. My favorite seedbank is Overgrow!


Amen Loki!!!


I always try to support breeders who have been at it sense before it was part of the cool kids club and seed banks who stock there gear. I’m also a big fan of any breeder or bank that is from here because there is tremendous value in communication and some of these guys get to big to bother answering questions about there own work :thinking:
anyways it’s nice to be able to look threw documented grows and get an idea for the strains your considering spending money on.
There are some packs that are well worth the high prices but most aren’t and it’s good to due your research.


i49 has treated me pretty well. Weedseedsexpress is an absolute garbage company to do business with. Those are the only 2 I’ve used so far. Most of my current grow came from a fellow og’er though and free/trading sure beats buying.

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i guess i havent decided this yet, there is always something I dont like, GLG was great feel it was a good deal and the freebies seem interesting…but dont like sending unsecured cash thru the mail.
Attitude was decent , name brand freebies great prices, but it has to go through customs and they dont send breeder packs if you want the guarantee.
Seedsman same no breeder packs and i had a bad deal with them, Seedsupreme was ok but has to go thru customs
Seeds here now no freebies and again sending cash
Dlc was easy to work with sorta, but sent those seeds to someone else fo dont know how they arrive or freebies
Omuerta genetics was good, had to go thru customs, made it here in 12 days, didnt have to send cash, freebies wow , I ordered 2 ten packs got a ten pack of F4’s as my freebies Herijuana.

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I used seedbay but they are now defunct. I used either oaseeds or linda-seeds something from spain and they made it through customs, had a cool decoy.

@Dale out of likes atm but thanks for that info, i like some euro type seeds,but have lost 3 or 4 packages to customs

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That sucks, I only got green taped once but it made me so paranoid I moved away from there. Yea I don’t like it it is not ideal, domestic would be better.

Seedsman i thought used a particularly stupid decoy, it got opened it was a sports bra in a bright package that just screamed open me, If i was a customs agent i would be like why would they pay all that extra post for a item they could get for a third the declared price at wal mart, then that bright package

So far any that went thru customs marked local info or souvenir made it just fine

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I had a company from england send seeds with no decoy and stamps and handwritten address lol that got green taped and was the last of my seed ordering. Bagseed from now on until I find a domestic place that doesn’t break the bank.

JBCseeds is probably my favorite. Great selection including my two fave breeders (Bodhi and AK Bean Brains), nice freebies, and easy payment methods.

SoakNBeans is up there too. It’s good to support the folks who hang out here, and the freebies are overly generous.


have been thinking the same as of late, there are many breeders here, always helpful with good info, after the messes i am already signed up for all come to a end, I am going to do just that.

Horses for courses, in my experience. No single seedbank carries every breeder I like so I use a couple. My favorite is GLO, best prices and always gets to me the fastest. Harvest Mutual is usually great but haven’t used them in a while. Seacoast Stash Box is fantastic.

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I have used Herbies and have had pretty good luck and descent pricing , alway looking for suggestions on good banks. Lately OG has been my seed bank. A lot of great breeders around @Instg8ter @Sebring and many many more :+1::+1::v:


So many people are super weird about cash-in-mail.

I prefer it. I’ve been buying and selling shit (not just seeds, other plants, clothes, vinyl, metals, rocks, you name it) person-person online for 20 years, and not once has mailing cash ever been a problem. Knock on wood, but it’s a hell of a streak. GLG is a solid outfit, you can’t go wrong.


G&L as well as JBC. Kwik seeds got confiscated earlier in the year but replacements were sent after a bit of back and forth. I broke my rule of only ordering overseas near Christmas and paid for it.