Have your photo mother plants ever forced themselves into flowering?

I was trimming a couple of my mothers in one of the rooms today and noticed the node growth sites seem to get closer and closer with age. Wasn’t sure if they are just settling into the lights hight. Light hasn’t moved in months. These two have served their purpose i was going to start seeds today, hoping to go a few more month and then put these moms out side for a natural finish. Obviously not in flower, just wondering if anyone with photos flowering plants has had them basically turn into autos after to long. Longest Ive kept a mom in veg is 24 months. These are at 8 or 9.


Those trees look impressive! Why do you need to start seeds? Why not go for cloning instead?

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Here is a couple of their clones right now lol

Or these

They have been great mothers i am continually cloning from them, thats why i don’t want them to go it to flower on me while in veg. With three flowering already and over a pound on the shelf of each flavor for personal, its time to start seeds for new flavors. Happy smoking.


Some genetics will show sexual maturity when mature and root bound but they shouldn’t begin to flower fully. I think that may be what you’re observing considering the size and age of those majestic mother plants of yours. They’re absolutely beautiful. I remember you, the skilled gardener! Good stuff! Which seeds are you looking forward to starting next?

Many blessings and much love


I tried to do 5 blue dream seeds and none of them popped, so i did the last ten i had, in hopes that one of them goes, i want to say the where probably about 10 years old. I also started 5 seeds from a friend to see what we get there too, they where in a jar but could be bag seed.

This happened to me when I switched to LED, the plant next to it was fine.

Folks told me I did something wrong…
I think it was the light but could never really be sure.


Some strains will start preflower when rootbound or not given 24hr light. Starfighter, Mother of Berries, etc

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@genkingx on insta might have the Santa Cruz Blue Dream. I don’t remember offhand who has it

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I find that my macdaddy mother does that if it’s rootbound.

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I think everyone was correct on the root bound as they have been that way for months, and i have ignored it, so today they got an upgrade.

Edit: side note i am switching back to 24 full hours on for a while. They have been on 19-5. Sleep is important.


Back around 2005 had a pollen chucked bubblegum cross white rhino or was it k2…it started auto flowering in a small foam cup at around 4 inches high…Was in 24/7 light under 4x 120cm long flouro tubes and only one seed was made and turned.
i also had nirvana ak48’s under same flouros, very close to light and if i recall correctly one ak went into auto too.
it may have been the light used for veg but im sure 4x flouro tubes is enough light for young seedlings.

Back then and 90’s too autoflowering plants were usually culled to get ruderalis out of pooing in the genepool and due to not being able to clone them.


Welcome to overgrow.

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Sweet pink grapefruit clone is known for preflowering when rootbound.


The two in the photos above are RS11 and A.K.O.G., but they were very root bound for months. They got an upgrade and seem to be doing much better.

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cheers. i joined with another username but lost the account through old email lost…anyway thankyou for the welcome…seems pretty chill website with good info and other stuff like music threads look just ace.

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