Why I grow in Coco Coir

Just share your grow bro. The good the bad and the beautiful.



No shit! I like, and use, coco and synthetics, but I donā€™t care to beaten over the head with them :slight_smile:


Finally ended up picking seven airpots of 3 literā€¦ so now I can compareā€¦


Thanks, Iā€™ll get you your eye candy right away.

I said all thal? LOL!

Doode, might want to slow down just a bit when you are jumping to conclusions. Like I said, I grow in coco w/salts, and would love to SEE what youā€™re on about. I dropped in here to see what I could learnā€¦ Iā€™m waiting!


So the question I have isā€¦
If I use top quality pre-buffered coco coir and Dyna Gro nutes which already have calcium and magnesium do I need another cal/mag suppliment also? Obviously Dyna Gro say no.
@Dragon, @HorseBadorites

I am not familiar with dyna grow.

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Ok thanks again mate, I think Iā€™ve got the idea now. Dyna Gro Foliage Pro and Bloom both have 2% calcium and 0.5% magnesium. Theres a feed schedule for soil/soilless and hyro.

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Hope the Dyna Grow works for you. :+1: @Jango


Thereā€™s a lot to like about coco. That being said it does have some drawbacks, especially handwatered in larger volumes vs irrigated automatically in small containers.

High CEC means it can do weird things with nutrients.
Low pH I have to constantly correct in early stages
Prone to fungus gnats.

Iā€™m on 100% perlite now. Cleaner than coco, low CEC, even harder to overwater, cheap, less pH issues, and far less prone to gnats. My favorite is rockwool mini cubes but they are prohibitively expensive.


I didnā€™t have issues with dynagro under hps but always had a deficiency under my leds. under hps I could just run grow or fp with mag pro in flower but leds took some more experimenting. I got decent but it wasnā€™t ever perfect. Fp through veg and then replacing a ml/gal of fp with bloom each week or so of veg. I also would throw a little mag pro in too but I think when I would do the same thing with just fp and mag pro I was missing calcium. Iā€™ve been running drip hydro since which is cool but doesnā€™t set with my water as well so need to use ro and itā€™s just a lot of ml/gal compared to dg. Still cheap but i had to get bigger measuring cups

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IME adding coco to soil will only make it better for a few reasons, mostly structural. It acts as a natural wetting agent for the parts that go hydrophobic during dry back, helps aerate and retain moisture simultaneously, and roots freaking love itā€™s texture. Seriously, I have ran Hempy buckets layered with coco and the standard perlite/vermiculite blend. The roots filled the coco layer just like they do in a pot, with density some may call it rootbound. The other layer had 50-75% that density. It didnā€™t matter if the coco layer was on top or bottom, it would play out the same because roots can grow through coco but only around perlite. I suggest larger, chunk type coco for soil to increase itā€™s natural resistance to compaction and replace perlite with 10% pumice and add 10% more soil.
But thatā€™s really just going to up your soil game, it wonā€™t help you get a handle on coco. For that you just need to jump in the deep end. Get a solid academic knowledge of the method before you try to obtain a working knowledge and youā€™ll do fine.


You really donā€™t even need perlite in coco. It resists compaction naturally and roots can grow right through it. Youā€™re better off with pumice, but only a small percentage.


Pity you guys across the pond donā€™t have canna terra pro PLUS ???

Perlite is in the mixes to help people with watering

If you are good at watering perlite is not needed , it takes up valuable root space in the pot
: )


I still have a full bag not used,but donā€™t have terra Vega and Flores,can I use It with maxibloom?

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Itā€™s not about the brand of nutes you use

Itā€™s about the npk ratio of the feed at certain stages

The plus is expensive white peat with a dash of coco
White peat is spongy and light
Black peat is cheap and if it drys out becomes like stones

Thatā€™s the difference between canna terra pro , and canna terra pro plus

You get what you pay for @Andrexl


Mine Is terra pro plus actually.
So final answer Is ā€œIt dependsā€

Depends on what ?

: )

Itā€™s good you have the plus

Was just explaining the difference for you : )

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On nutrient NPK ratio
Yes I am learning from your posts a lot
I Also donā€™t get why not so many people use mapito,theoretically Is easier than coco

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What would you like to know ?

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