Why is our old Seedbatch always flowering from the Start?

I think they are doing it because they have been locked up for 50 years, @HappyTrees23s is running them too, with a vegging light schedule, and they are doing it at just over 2 weeks old…not root bound either… that was my first thought, but no.


These old varietals don’t knoowww what indoor is :wink:

My old orange behaves nicely indoors but that old skunk is a savage, any stress indoor will have it do strange stuff


Mine is happening on 24hr of light which makes me hopeful for a few girls to revegg. Been saving a male from a separate mother (freebie pack that came with) must of been a more sterile type but too good to pass up, the father was semi sterile. I find its the females; not the males that have the sterile problems, are in seed lines with frosty males. But getting off subject. The unstoppable flowering puzzles me as well. PH is 7 here too.


Sometimes in some plants root binding/running out of root space can trigger it. But good stable males usually won’t go in to flower unless the light hours are low enough an its usually those ones that you want to keep. With some landraces though some plants can go into flower at a certain age no mater what an do require some breeding an selection work on the seedline to get them to the stage most people are used to working with. It can happen also with worked lines when the plant feels its aged to much an just flowers regardless of light hours, eg ive seen males kept for a year or two who will suddenly just flower regardless of light hours an won’t go back into veg. It can be difficult to keep males long term but the good ones are usually managable. So if your getting a male that has sufficient root space an is under 24 hr light on an its going into flower its genetics are most likely going to cause issues in some way or other when used to breed with


What strain is it exactly please. ? The sterilety problems an high resin on those sounds like issues that come about from using heavily selfed lines.


Yeah, you just need to switch to a veg light cycle like 16/8. All strains are going to go right into flower if you run them on a flowering time cycle like 12/12 or 11/13.

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please read exactly… He did not put it under 11/13 the secound run… The run with the male…
and its supposed Sativa…


All good.

Yeah my college assured me today he had the secound Male Plant under 18/6.

I think its caused by the old Seeds,i hope we get enough Pollen out of it.


It’s true, same batch of beans are giving me the same issue. They are under 24 hour lighting and have been flowering since the day they sprouted it seems. I don’t know why.
They grew to about 1 foot tall within two weeks of popping. After I transplanted them, they started showing sex at the end of week 2 and even under constant 24 hour light they are continuing to flower.

I finally got one more to pop and started it off in a bigger container as I was told they possibly flowered due to being root bound.
The first ones were grown in a solo cup to start as that is how I normally do things, but I started this newest seedling in a much larger container.

I guess withing a week or so I will know if it was the container size, but that dosnt sound like it was the issue to me.
Like I said they were growing quickly from seed to about a foot tall in two weeks. I don’t think the roots would be bound in a solo cup that quickly. And as it was only two weeks till sex was seen, I honestly believe they started flowering from the start. That would explain the crazy stretch and sex being seen withing 2 weeks. That is normally how long it takes anything else to start showing sex under 12/12.

I will give an update within the next few week as to how my recent one goes.

My only issue here is I can’t keep a male if it is dropping pollen every few days.

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If it’s supposed to be sativa in structure then that means they evolved into narrow leaves to be able to take a beating from the sun.

Bring the light closer to the plant or increase the brightness, that might help. :+1:

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Nah, we tried to reveg it, and it stagnated… early in flowering… they are unchangable. its a pitty that @HappyTrees23s has males, and females, and COULD do it, if he wasnt out of Pollination areas…

Is anyone near from where he lives? can someone come over and take them is my Thought??

he could finally make seeds… just hasnt any pollination room left… fuck,
its old Vietnamese … Realdeal genetics.


Maybe you could collect a couple weeks worth of pollen before the girls start flowering, then dust it on select buds? @HappyTrees23s

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I do want to, but I also have girls Pre-flowering as well. I just remember reading somewhere that the preflower pistils can pollinated, so I’m a bit nervous.

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You should go for it man, save the strain! Out of likes :heart:

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I’ve always thought people were a little too scared of pollen anyway :sunglasses:

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I’m gonna try :100:%

Need to let them all go a little longer and I’ll see what I can do. My main issue is room thou. I can also try more beans. I will be getting more soon thanks to darkillusion, and I think the Tek I worked out is my go to from now on. I also have one more going that hasn’t shown sex. I’m actually hoping it’s a male so I can prep a little.

These males, within a week of transplant both almost opened up in my main room thou, so I had no choice but to do what I did. I wasnt expecting them to do that lol. I didn’t have anyway to collect the pollen, no place to move them, and I didn’t want to kill them so I just took off the mature sacs. They have others showing I will try to collect thou. No worries. I know this project will be completed


Are these the 72 Vietnam that old hippy had. In his information of those he did say they finshed before every thing else they had when tested not too far back. Seems to imply there are autoflowering genetics in them. It would be weird for plants to be autoflower a finish so fast in a area were its almost 12-12 year round. You would expect the plants to have adapted an become landraces that actually want to take full advantage of the full year an getting the full potential out of it, hence why tropicals are usually so very long flowering an have a very long veg maturing time. Unless bred to be faster by including other genetics or genetics found in these areas that are actually introduced from elsewhere. Should be interesting to see how these play out.


No, these were given to me as 70s Vietnam Landrace beans. I believe a veteran took them back with him and held onto them till a few years ago.
I really don’t know much about them, but from what I understand these were previously unavailable to anyone.


So I have a jack herer that does this, and I have found several lines that also have plants like this, one being mentioned before DJ short. I have run quite a bit of DJ’s gear. Breeders choice 1-4 , old time Moonshine, temple flo, flo, blueberry.
So for me there is common ancestry with things,
And I have found that afghan and Mexican genetics tend to have that influence. (Or it could be the south Asian descent 🤷)
Desert regions or lowlands near mountain have drying and wet cycles usually a large spring rain, a intense heat summer (some places are humid, but I am one to think that is not the case in these traits popping up.) And then of course naturally they would have to finish before rainy season.
In my experience, they are what I like to call forever veg plants. They can at whim flip on flower in random spots, tend to grow wild node and branching patterns, and usually produce runt style plants. This is also a self propagation technique from the plant. That plant will continue to grow until killed in it’s natural environment, so it also needs to make offspring, this is the trait that allows that.
Now mind you my jack is like many I’ve seen, but can be tamed.
My suggestion would be to cut water to 50mil at retention, allow for environment to become close to 90 degrees and keep the light on 24 hrs, the other suggestion as it was mentioned is pot size. The rebound once a root senses a blockage is different for each cultivar. These runt wild like plants tend to want no restrictions at all, or they will instantly start to show sign of sex.


Ok I got had one male and one female not flower afterall, even though it stretched liked the rest that are acting like their rootbound. Remember i trimmed the roots… (Or maybe i didnt do a good enough trimming the roots.)
So yes i do think it is a genetic root issue that has to do with age. Iam also growing out flo, Blueberry and first light none of them have this problem… Blueberry and flo are now over a foot tall. I never trimmed the roots when tranplanted and they dont have a flowering/root issue.