Why is our old Seedbatch always flowering from the Start?

Yes sir. It’s what DJ calls the mutant outliers. They grow weird imo. But as DJ says if you can tame them, they produce some of the best smoke.


Josh blue is the dude I’ve learned a bunch about DJ. As well as JD. I have never had the chance to talk to DJ yet, maybe one day.

Bluestarseedco is reproducing a bunch of DJ’S work as he handed some off to him. The Happy Pussy line, the blue velvet line, a bunch of ancestral lines like the k line. We shall see what happens, I’m hoping to find some rocket fuel moonshine which was less known then the blue moonshine and imo far more indica leaning.


Yeah. Ive seen the gear advertised on the seedbanks for awhile now. Sounds like nice fellows. Im not trying bother any of those dudes. Just wanted more info on the mutants and such its all. Good. Good luck with your endeavors man.


Any questions needed to ask I don’t mind asking them, they have been instrumental in my selections and guidance, and have imo been some of the more open and available people who have guided me.
If it wasn’t for Bluestar I wouldn’t have gotten the private stock old time, and if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t of recognized the blueberry leaner I found in the breeders choice mix 2.
They get excited, to see the work produced, and even DJ at this point has admitted, that without the help of others growing and working his gear, that in his lifetime he would not be able to see all it can do.
So anyone really growing DJ gear should reach out to any of the above, because they share openly also to those that work DJ lines, kinda like a family.

I look forward to seeing what you have in store. And now that I know you have some interesting things going. I will be watching more closely, and quite excited to be honest. I will share with you whatever I have made if you’d like also.


If they are that interested in seeing their gear and the phenos that are popping up, then i would be more then happy to provide photos and info for them to look at to tell us what they think or if help their own selections, either way im happy to help. No, you dont need to send me any gear. Sounds like your preserving as much as you can. Id be interested to see yours as well. Thanks for the kind words.


All have revegged under the lighting they flowered in. The males had to be pruned to stop the flowering.

Also i was reading some Robert Clarke this week and this reminded me if this thread
“Cannabis flowers when exposed to a critical daylength which varies with the
strain. Critical daylength applies only to plants which fail to flower under
continuous illumination, since those which flower under continuous illumination
have no critical daylength. Most strains have an absolute requirement of
inductive photoperiods (short days or long nights) to induce fertile flowering and
less than this will result in the formation of undifferentiated primordia (unformed
flowers) only.”


Might be onto something here… I’ve seen a few plants flower not when they get root bound, but when the tap root hits the bottom of the pot. Maybe a really tall pot would help? :sweat_smile:

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Afghans pretty much do dry farming. So that would make sense that the width of the pot isn’t as needed as is the length of the pot.

One dry farming experiment I read about on @Sun_grown_midz collection of papers. Was that taproots could go vertically up to 12 ft plus and have the same decent into loose soil (or more if need for water supply.).
This would be a dry and arid place, yet the plant thrives. So perhaps with cutting’s, it may increase the frequency of flowering sites as compared to with taproot 🤷