Wide Node Spacing - What did I do wrong?

I have four photos in a 4x4 tent with a 760watt LED light. I am growing in coco using Floraflex nutes. My temp has been around 75 and humidity around 60-70%. I have lollipoped all the plants to increase airflow. My issue is that the node spacing seems very wide on all of the plants. They are all different strains. They stretched quite a bit when I flipped to 12/12 and the light was never more than 18” above the plants. I have never had a grow where the plants got so tall and lanky indoors with such wide spacing. Is this necessarily bad? Will my yield be much less? What can I do to correct this next time?


Looks fine do you usually grow indicas might just be more sativa then your use to.


Agreed. Normal. They’re just stretchier than you expected :+1:


These are Grandaddy Purple, Dos Si Dos, Slurricane #7 and End Game/Lilac Diesel. Two are Indica and two are hybrids. They have been super healthy and happy the whole grow, they all just have a different node structure than my previous grows. Thanks for your input!


You probably should have a plan in place to prop those tops up as they put on weight, because it looks like they will probably get floppy on you. Look good though, good luck.


I thought the second trellis would enough but maybe not. I am having to bend a few of those really tall colas as I have no more room to raise the light. Thank for your help.


Yeah bend them over no worries crease crumple cram.


If you nighttime temps are significantly lower than your lights on temp that can cause stretching. Having the temps higher at night (negative dif) will actually reduce stretch. It could also just be genetics. Is your light maxed out currently? Or like 80% to max? I’ve been guilty of forgetting to turn my lights up before :stuck_out_tongue: Veg light power for only 12 hours a day would significantly lower the DLI. Too much red light can also have an effect. Is the recommended mounting height for light 18 inches for flower or is it 12 inches?


Can’t help much with LED but considering the genetics, you’re not in the short and dense afghani side of the force. They have all stretchy lines in their pedigree : sd, big bud, durban, nycd, silver haze … ^^

The secondaries of your plants are thick and sturdy (bended net, diameters), the general vigor pretty high … i think you’re just making a better round than previously.


This may be of some help.
Good luck.


Thanks for your input. My light is at 75% because I have a lot of heat issues with this particular light if I go to 100%. My day time temps are around 75, night time around 68. The PPFD is around 1000 at the top part of the canopy at 18” away. A little higher for those colas that have grown too high. No signs of burning but I am seeing some tacoing so I will probably bend a few to even out the canopy.


So you are saying the wide nodes are more genetics than something in the environment that I am doing wrong? Thanks for your help!


I’m not sure what you mean? I’ve never heard of a chemical that reduces stretching? I’m just trying to determine if 1. If it’s a bad thing 2. Is there anything I should change to improve my grow? I’m all about quality and learning from each grow that I run.

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Bushmaster is one of those.
Click the link for more info on the subject.

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@Everythingzen I don’t see anything wrong with your plants. A couple of them appear to be more sativa predominant, hence your noticing the stretch on those. Overtime, you would notice flowers clustering above on those stems.
Your doing quite well honestly…:herb::v:t4::green_heart:


Didn’t they figure out that bushmaster contained paclo?

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Yes, it will stop your stretch but at what cost…right?

I don’t either, and I agree.
But if you still wanna learn to control stretch on those lanky sativa types, check out the link I provided above.


Considering the genetic, i don’t see any abnormal elongation. Specially with the healthy baobabs you have made. A bad unproductive stretch will express more in thin weak secondaries searching the lights like vine tops.

On these lines i only known well the GDP as it, for the others i know more the majority of their components. And the GDP is not a short and dense Northen Light at all, it’s stretchy like his Big Bud parent to build his yield (in a less generous way, and more elongated because the urkle).

Considerations :

  1. Here (EU), we are generally growing more with short cycles to have more runs per year. So the stretch of strains will appear very more obvious on shorter plants. With well matured baobabs like yours, the differences become a lot less caricatural and can lead to forget what is growing ^^

  2. I’m more documented on LED than ten years before, but I’ve not yet make the switch. I’ve just tryed the very first shitty commercial panel a long time ago. So i can’t really tell you if it’s a normal behavior under this type of lamp, i’m limited to read what say the plants. And as far as i can tell, they are not insulting you at all lol

edit :

“I’m not sure what you mean? I’ve never heard of a chemical that reduces stretching?”

They are plenty : citokinins, hormons, even silicate based spray … but imho it’s not worth the final product at the end ^^ At all. Most of them are dangerous to manipulate too. Just one example of “ready to use” product.


This one may not be so bad, it may use ethylene.
Sounds like ethylene but hard to know when they don’t tell what your going to spray on your plants, so I would still avoid this until you know for sure.

By vaporizing this component, growth will be inhibited and flowering stimulation will be increased.

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All of that is allegations but i respect. Yes, it’s rare when you have a real traceability on this kind of product.

Most of the time 6-Bencilaminopurina blend are used, for those communicating a bit.

From my point of view, the only thing you get is an awfull weed, decreased yields with fcked plants that you’re unable to recognize ^^ Imho it’s better to bet on the right genetic, from the start.