Willy’s Grow room

Thank you @MissinBissin
I really appreciate it.

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I picked up those Durban poison from my safe addy @MissinBissin. Thank you for those! I will tag you when I start them. Should be next couple months.

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Here you go @Indicana_Jones . Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to take my time and get some pictures to show the details.

This system is called PPK. Passive Plant Killer. I have made some changes from the original design. As far as I know it was invented by @greyfader aka Delta9nxs. I have to give him credit. There is a great thread over at IC about PPK, but unfortunately many of the pictures are no longer up.

The system is similar to a recirculating drip system, but with high volumes of water being delivered on a timed interval. The media is very important part of the system. It uses Turface and perlite mixed together. Turface is the stuff you see being spread on a baseball field after it rains. Turface absorbs water very quickly. It also drys out rather fast when exposed to air.

I mix my Turface and perlite at about a 4:1 ratio. Four parts Turface to one part perlite.

The buckets have to be setup with a sink drain tail piece in the bottom. I use a three gallon bucket on top of another three gallon bucket.

The tail piece has a piece of window screen zip tied to keep it from falling off. The tail piece is packed with hydroton. Dela9nxs original design would use turface in th tail piece to wick water from the bottom bucket in case of power failures.

I fill the top bucket about 3/4 full of the Turface/perlite mix. I have a drip ring at the base of each plant. I use a valve to control the amount of water.

The main reservoir has three fountain pumps that run off a timer. The timer I got off the big A. It lets me control how many seconds and how often the pumps kick on. Around 15-20 seconds every 3-4 hours.

@greyfader original design had a setup where the main reservoir had a smaller container sitting inside it. A float valve would fill up the small container and in turn keep the main reservoir at the desired water level.

It is a very low maintenance system. You only need to add water to the main reservoir.


That’s super dope. So is it top fed through like a drip irrigation? Then pumps to the res from the bottom buckets?

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Yes it’s top feed. The pumps are in the yellow top tote.

The water drains down in to the bottom buckets, then back to the tote via hoses and gravity. The bottom buckets are all tied in to the tote with 3/4” heater hose. The bottom buckets constantly have water in them and it stays the same level as whatever the totes water level is.

One thing I forgot to mention was that you can reuse the Turface indefinitely. I harvest my plant, then let the turface get bone dry. Then I soak the turface in a tub of water and the roots all float to the top, I skim the top of the water with window screen and that gets the Turface clean enough for the next use.


Holy shit bro. That clean up of the medium alone is speaking my love language.

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Yeah. I’m cheap and lazy so it really works out well. Lol


howdy, thank you for trying my system! i have a grow going on right now at;