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I’m in! Zkittlez is my all time favorite strain. It’s terpene profile with CBD isolate did more for my pain and mental health than any other strain to date. I had no other substance in my system when I tried it. Not even coffee, sugar, hot peppers, or high amounts of protein that day.
The taste was phenomenal and no strain to date has come close yet.
One of the few strains to help autistic issues and give me enough control to learn why I reacted to certain things.
GG4 (while very much only tasting like sucking on a old sweatshirt string) helps pain and anxiety while also reducing muscle tremors.
Together I can only expect to have a strain that can help someone like myself to feel like they’re in control while also relieving pain and anxiety as well.
If I were to name a unique aspect I’d say it’s the complete relief of sensory input issues combined with the ability to all but replace antipsychotics, antidepressants, antianxiety, and pain meds.
I’d break into a tinted windowed, black coloured van on a dark deserted street with no one around for a bag of skittlez. I love that gooey goodness. Plus, they look so good