Winter 2017 - 2018

This is material from my new worm bin at the suggestion of @lotus710. It is the home for the predatory mites.


lookin like a great mulch. add a little more and do every pot!!

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everyone should use a mulch. even if you use synthetics. saves water. something we all use a lot of!


I have hit everybody with the goods.

Hoping I didn’t bring too much wild life in with it. Hehe

Now it is about 4 inches think, on top of about 6 inches of pure compost.

thanks Lotus

Everybody has a good cover now.


Did you bring some worms in with the compost? Or are they frozen already.

Have to let a little time go by before the babies will show. The big worms went deep already. I could dig some up if the warm weather persists.

I surely brought in other critters. I tossed a stink bug back into the tub. He’ll crawl out again. Some little flying critters starting to hatch too.

Hope there aren’t caterpillars. They will wipe a sprout in minutes.

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So, a couple of weeks ago, @Muleskinner dropped off a Miss Universe x Harlequin.

Turns out its a Mr.

Really great smell coming off of this plant. Slower than its sibs, but I plan on taking some dust to run into the current crop.

I topped him for easier harvesting. Let him hang with the ladies until he gets a little more dangerous. Then I’ll shuffle him over to the stud tent.


End of Day 17.

Getting the Ph under control. Yellowing is almost gone now.


Everything is so organized. Something I have yet to master lol. What are you feeding all these children? I don’t think it was ever mentioned. Also, if/when you topdress over the mulch it’s like kindergarten and glue. A little dab’ll do ya. You want to make sure it slowly breaks down but doesn’t start to thermal compost.


The attempt is to put the food into the soil, so that feeding is minimized to a tea every week or so. I use a blend of Espoma Plant Tone, Another similar chicken waste product and lobster meal from Coast of Maine. Store bought soil doesn’t behave as well as my compost pile. So I have to add some dolomite too. Glad to have some of the compost inside now.

I brought in about 5 gallons of worm castings from the bottom of my pile and put it in a tub under the mulch. I have added some sugar water and coffee grains so far. I’ll get some barley and toss some into the worm bin tomorrow. Late in getting to this.

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A lot of the leaves are really big and not well broken down. too much you think, huh?

Nope. It’ll be fine. If you’re looking to build organic mater fast I’d shred it as small as possible, but if it’s just to retain moisture large works just fine. It’s also less mess when you transplant.

Its primary role is habitat for the predatory mites that arrived 4 days ago.

I’ll be keeping it by putting it back into the tub just before transplanting, and replace in new containers along with the compost from the bottom of the bin.

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Perfect. I like closed loops in organics lol

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Was really hoping to solve the fungus gnat issue before it blossoms. Those mites appear to be working well as the blossom didn’t happen.

Nice. If they get really bad try some mosquito bits. I had an issue with gnats early on, but since I’ve been watering with earth worm extract when I water as well as the usually ACT and I haven’t seen them in almost two months.


A little update from the Flowering Tent

@Muleskinner gave me some clones that were flipped about 3 1/2 weeks ago.

Platinum Huckleberry x Girl Scout Cookies

The flowers are forming nicely!

I hit some with dust from a Jacked Up harvested early last summer and kept refrigerated since. Looks like it is still viable.

“Morning Sickness Cannabis Style”


The Mr. Miss Universe x Harlequin has begun to show his evil plan. So into isolation he goes. Harvest in 14-18 days.


Some crazy looking leaves, but they all look great. Hey 99 do you count the Peas on your plate, lol your so clean and organized! I love it

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