Wizard’s perpetual grow from the ground up…..starting over

Well dudes, I figured it was time for me to get a grow journal going over here.

The last several months in the grow have been difficult. I ended up with broadmites which nearly took me out, but I was able to start bouncing back from, but then we had a massive storm that knocked out power for 7 days. It nailed the coffin shut on my entire veg room, and most of my moms that I’d been saving for several years. I came out with 2 moms out of a whole 2 x 4 full.

So it’s time to pick shit up and start rebuilding. For this run I’m going to be picking through the following

  • blue dream x a5/mirakel bc1 from doc d
  • sunshine daydream f2s - got these as a freebie from headie gardens. It was an open pollination with 8 females and 8 males by dank commanderZ
  • emission nebula (bluniverse x starfighter) made by me
  • malfunction 54 (exaltation x starfighter) also made by me
  • paloma nights (cherry paloma x ladies night) by soup the gardener from the dgc

I’ll be flowering probably around 22 if them. I’ll be using my 5 x 5 tent with a 4 x 4 living soil bed inside of it and I’ll also be using a 5 x 4ish closet that’s normally my veg closet. Since I’m starting at square one basically I want to use all available space for flower aside from my mom/clone 2 x 4 and some more clone space. Once this run is complete I’ll likely go back to using the closet for veg and getting the perpetual grow back on schedule.

I started the 12 of each aside from the paloma nights. I planted 3 of them because they’re fems. Everything was soaked overnight and then planted into coco coins in a humidity dome. Today is day 7. All ssdd, emission nebula, malfunction 54, and paloma nights are at a 100% germ rate. The blue dream cross went 10/12. Still decent.

Every seedling has been quickly hardened off and the coco coins have been planted into solo cups. Watered them in with a little recharge to get the microbial populations going.

More to come……


Just so you guys know what I’m about, this is my current jungle a month or so ago before the power went out and shit took a turn for the worse. It’s still hanging in there, but it doesn’t look nearly as nice in there. Close to finished though. The plant in the closer shots is my keeper bluniverse and she happens to be one of the moms that was saved through the whole ordeal. So she lives on. She’s also the mom the emission nebula.


Plants are look great as per usual brother! Good morning and I hope your having a great day so far!


Not a lot to show because they’re babies, but they’re cruising along. Everybody is looking nice and healthy aside from 2 stragglers. They do look like they’re coming around and I’ve got nothing but time so I’ll give them some time to see what they become.


Those babies will surprise you with some strong growth soon.