Women using cannabis while pregnant

It’s one thing to tell someone what your opinion on a topic is, telling them what they should do is something else. That’s the point of contention.


The opinion that women shouldn’t control their bodies is a highly contentious one.


This is a matter of the effect of THC of the fetal brain.

It’s only gotten hotly contentious because it’s been dragged through another conversation now, could we agree on that?


It’s just dangerous ground.


Human rights is the most dangerous grounds, my friend.

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As long as we have governments declaring what rights we have they are simply privileges and not rights. …….,


I wonder how this was “proven”?

They certainly didn’t study it in any controlled fashion as that would be…uh…unethical. I would posit the preadolescents smoking pot were also drinking, not studying, not going to school regularly, etc. etc.


The plural of anecdote isn’t data but when my ex wife was pregnant with our daughter, we had a couple and the young woman was also pregnant. My ex didn’t smoke at all until late in the third trimester, then she picked her cigarette habit back up but kept it light until our daughter was born. The other girl smoked weed a lot to “calm the baby”. Our daughter was born well within the normal range but their son was quite small, underweight and had developmental delays.

I think smoking is the problem; nicotine, sure, but smoking ANYTHING is still smoke inhalation and ingesting byproducts of incomplete combustion. Arguing which is less harmful misses the point.

If someone who’s pendant eats cannabis infused edibles, I think that’s probably not harmful, although I think we’ll be waiting awhile before we see unbiased studies on the subject.

As far as women’s rights, I think they know what’s good for them and the baby and generally do the right thing. It is up to them. As the dad, I’m there to support them, not dictate lifestyle choices.


While I dont know enough to weigh in on this and my opinion as such does not have much relevance I will say this. One cannot defend the rights of a woman and her body without also speaking to the rights of the child who is also being affected.

I just wish that was always the case but unfortunately it is not always the way things go. Who speaks for the child when the mother is not making the right choices and who decides what those choices are? Such a big issue with so many facets to look at.


No father ever caused fetal alcohol syndrome… Unless they were holding the mother’s ankles or shouting “Chug! Chug! Chug!”.

It’s unfortunate but we live in a world of bad decisions, thats why lucky charms are sold in stores.

The real takeaway here is that the misinformation from years of anti-cannabis propaganda is starting to disappear and people can start making better informed decisions based in truth. At least thats my distorted take.


Amen! I love when Men have these kinds of discussions.


Actually there have been studies suggesting that THC and especially CBD can effect how the body processes other medicine when taken within a certain window of each other. It cited both malabsorption and potentiation as possibilities. What I saw was mainly focused on CBD as it was becoming widespread but made cases for THC having similar results.


Women are humans too. I’m all for keeping the rights of the child in mind while balancing that with the rights of mom.

I tried to support my ex wife with healthy lifestyle choices while she was pregnant and our daughter is healthy, strong and smart as a whip. That’s what success looks like.


When there are big decisions for Mrs Foreigner to make in this household I say something like, “My position is X and I hope that holds some weight with you but it’s your decision.”

If she tried to tell me what to do I’d throw a fit, and rightly so.


Why are you always after me lucky charms?


There was a study done on Jamaican babies whose mothers smoked ganja while pregnant( nearly all of them lol)and it was determined that the ganja babies were born happier, healthier, and heavier( not too heavy) compared to non smokers babies.


I am glad I didn’t than, mine were 9#ers as it was.


Got that right…also the reason most women won’t speak about it…judgemental men.

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Surely this is the language of the devil! :laughing:


they’re all privileges, and if you think you have a right to anything, just try to stop paying property taxes for a bit. everything you do can be prevented by the government and there is not one thing you can do about it. they can take you away in handcuffs and lock you up and keep you there indefinitely if they wanted to, and have done so with many. sure, if you get out you can sue, and probably win, but that’s a big IF. there are a lot of things that are not allowed to be done to you, but it is extremely hard to prevent most of those things at the time, and not much recourse for some of them, at least for your corpse. your family may get paid, but fat lotta good that does you in the ground.

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