(incomplete) Wookie 7 x Dreadbread Preservation Run

Wow! Thanks so much to everyone for all the support and kind words! Really stoked other people are as excited as I am.

The seeds took their sweet time to pop(over a week) and only 6 have really sprouted and look promising. 2 of those I had to do a little emergency surgery on, and crack open the seeds halfway which seemed to do the trick. Shoutout to @Andrane for that method! He was the first person Ive ever seen doing it, and luckily for me I copied him.

I’m going to give them just a couple more days in the lower light to get those first set of leaves more established, then ill pot them up to half gallon or 1 gallon fabric pots for a while to establish a nice root system. But since they are starting fairly slow, I plan to let them take their sweet time! Sorry for the kinda crappy pics, but I had to shoot a couple out of pure excitement they finally popped lol.