To really embody this character you’ll need to do your best flat middle American accent, ideally Indiana based, but a general “US evening news” vibe would work too…kidding, but it would also be hilarious.
Another good starting point would be listening to Chapelle when he steps into the generic midwestern white character - it’s all in the dipthongs.
You must, above all, become 100% convinced that it is not an accent at all, but just the way English is SUPPOSED to sound like - then, and only then, will you understand this great nation across the pond.
As a north-easterner I take offense at the implication that our babbling skills are sub-standard, but (threading a needle here…) also don’t want to take any credit from my southern friends for their estimable capacity in this domain.
This sounds perfect but wtf is a dipthong? I watch a lot of swamp people so I’ve kinda got Louisiana bayoux kinda accent down
You mean like most Americans assume that’s exactly how English should sound. Ahh got it
Ive barely got the english down as my first languages accent. But this sounds like fun. Even the mrs is excited to see this now ffs
Same in england. The variations within like a 5 mile radius here is crazy.
This is where I live btw. And this is by far the best cinematic I have ever seen. I must approach tobias for tips.
I’ve asked if any sponsors want features doing on their products. Seed giveaways is a definite and theres a few bits of merch being made. Just for filming purposes at the moment but some will be given away bro.
Like in the word “about”, the “o” and the “u” work together to make the “ou” sound that kind of slides from one to the other. The Canucks don’t use a dipthong in this case, and it sounds more like “aboot”.