Wreckage master bastard kush contest

I received my seeds this morning and have set a couple aside to germinate. I’m even more eager to find somewhere to put them. I have literally no space left in either tent and there’s still the issue of the plant in my bathroom.


The space problem… ahhh, I feel like you.

Sometimes I want that my tent would be like the TARDIS… :rofl:



Day 6 already popping sprout and onto the hydro buckets
Soil I will wait for roots to show thru rockwool others are resting in a hydro bath and will have roots quick


Update. 7/8 still sprout :seedling: however one soldier lost his helmet and crashed hard into the medium and decided to be the victim. No other seeds or people were harmed in this death.

Funeral services for the dead seed has been and will be posted in your local newspaper.
R.I.P little Ricky. You were my boy :disappointed_relieved:

7/8 still giddy up. 4 in hydro buckets. Waiting a little bit longer to plant the soil ones when rooted a bit


Hey gemi you gonna try a gal in a solo?

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from here 4 are going to hydro, 4 are going soil/coco bags…wanna see the side by side grow


Lookin good for day 7!
Gonna keep one in a solo, never done before. Any tips?


so far so good, you know how to get me if you need any help, here or discord…i got your back witth help…


@LzBoy I think @Pigeonman might be the one to help you with this he has done amazing grows in solos.

Talking about not having space I have an Oaxacan and a Peshawar Afghani half way through flowering and 3 clones that I just put into tent to flower.lol. hoping I’ll have space plus my super silver Haze fem and lsgtk fem cooking along the 4 wmbk in solos for now phew no delays no delay :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


It’s only my 3rd go around. 1 time Reg’s and photos. So this is gonna be a huge fun learning opportunity for me.
I figured I’m gonna try a couple of different styles, a hempy foldgers container. Some in 3 gal fabric.
I ended up bailing on the autopot sale. I think it would just end up collecting dust.
Sexing is gonna be the big new thing for sure.
Appreciate all the help :seedling:


The fabric pots will give you great root balls here’s my first grow and this was transfered from plastic pot and put into flower.

5 gal fabric pot


So do I my friend.

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I found that if you add holes everywhere to make it like a mini air-pot you can get away with a lot as the holes allow for the plant to self root prune.

Also go by weight. I lift each plant just enough to feel the weight, and after some practice your body will know if you need to add any solution/water to the medium.

My preference for basters to water comes in handy as I will max give a fresh solo-cup filled with dry medium about 3 basters worth, about 1.5oz each so 4.5 oz total. Most watering’s are a single baster, with multiples during times that the plants are transpiring a lot due to ____ reasons.

This is also why I suggest defoliation to the max!

I strip near every leaf from the plants leaving sticks with little unfurling clusters of new leaf sites… and in a week it doesn’t look like i did anything!

You will want to flush every now and then and in 6 months un-pot the plant and with a sterile knife cut off the outer section of the root mass leaving a 2"x2" wide plug, I also cut off the lowest inch of this plug before repotting it back into the same solo-cup with fresh media.

I’ve kept mothers this way in 1L pots for years.

Only big thing is to keep eyes on it like a houseplant.

Best of success @LzBoy !



I just want to clarify, they will get multiple feedings when the medium dries out? Also how often would you recommend flushing?


Wild info @Pigeonman thanks! Definitely gonna put this in the knowledge bank.
I can see why your grows kick ass :green_heart:
Ya think I should line the cup with extra holes with a light fabric to prevent any spillout?
Still never thought that at 50+ years old, that I’d want to learn so dam much… Like I want to shove all the knowledge I missed from years of missing out.
But like this hobby teaches ya.
Be patient young paddawan… Be patient.
Have an awesome day growchacho’s :seedling:


Hey @THCeed, great start to the contest.

I’ve got beans, and I’ve finally got some space. But, I only have about 90 days from dunking beans to harvest due to a planned trip. Is there any chance these would finish in 65 days or so from flip? It’s painful to cut an immature plant. If you think they will I’ll join in the fun. Thx!


mind. blown.


B has finally decided to join us. A is looking good.


When is the Wreckage Master Bastard Kush Contest supposed end Date?
Have not seen any Bastard traits in non so far…


Everyone’s Seeds are Going… Who has the oldest one as of now…

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Depending on when you like to pull them, I would think they should be fine.
You can always flip a week earlier.

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