Wreckage master bastard kush contest

You said bedroom, :rofl:

You already have them, so moving them outside isnt likely to make it worse. Might find a predator. I read someone here say try giving the plants much less water. Maybe let one plant start to wilt a bit for experiment.
Get them flowers done and go for the kill is a good plan. Jp’ s MTA or pyrethrin.

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I meant dont move clean non infested plants outside, then bring them inside.

These buggers are relentless, I did Johnny’s MTA, once, then I did Safers one and done. Than I sprayed them daily with a molasses mixture, then I sprayed them with a Dawn soap/neem oil mixture, then vinegar mixture. I think the next thing I will try will be a Tiger torch.


Did you do that with vegetative plants and have the aphids survive?

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Yes, It has been my thing, all winter. I am soon going to start naming some of them.

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Weird. Maybe you are killing them and they move back into veg from flower garden. Might need to move some ladybugs in.

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I brought about a dozen home from my buddy’s and I think the aphids ate them. LOL


My solution to kill everything bug related. Dawn dish soap, water, peroxide. Also last year I bought 2000 lady bugs from amazon, and set them loose on my plants. After a week or so they ate every bug and flew away, leaving me very happy.


I did end up with these though, before I cut them down.

Now, I have to separate them.

That was fast.


Aphids do spray off well, if the plants are small enough I’d take them in the shower, turn them sideways and use the detachable shower head to spray the plant from below.

The problem is you can’t even miss one, they produce new baby aphids continuously. I would spray every day or two for a bit, then bring in a bunch of ladybugs.


Jeez @THCeed, sounds like you let them apids get outta hand. Kinda like my thrips, lol.

Yeah ladybugs can eat 70ish aphids a day!


Cali passed a law saying employers can’t test for THC or not higher you cause of bud. Or they are getting ready to not sure if it passed actually :thinking::rofl:.

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Oh, I’ve been watching.
But I ain’t ever moving back to CA unless I’m rich enough to own a home overlooking the Pacific along the northern coast.:+1:t3:


Lol there would have to be big changes for me to move back to Cali as well! First just to live and pay taxes like you said need $$$ also for some privacy. I’m 1/4 mile from Cali and it feels to close.

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It would have to have some acreage with a monitored perimeter fence if it was in Cal. Shit man. what am I talking about, I’ve taken to locking my doors at night and I have seven guardian dogs running around on my place. Folks are seeing break-in’s like never before up by town. Even out here in the sticks it’s been getting to be a thing. I’m going to start taking a different dog to town with me every time I go. Before long, word will get around that my place would not be an easy target. Well, most folks think my clan is a little rough around the edges and not to be trifled with. lol
Picture the movie “Next of Kin” and you’ll have a good idea of my family gene pool. lol


Got it!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Today’s day 56 from flip and 2 more weeks or so left I’m guessing. It’s put on some weight and wants to keep tipping over from being in such a small pot. Starting to get nice and Frosty on the buds and I’m excited to get her chopped and sampled. I’ll grab a fresh pic tomorrow as I just realized my most recent one is 7 days ago…been busy lol.


Tester nug ready to be sampled! About to grind her up and let her rip. Will report back here. This was the absolute lowest piece of nuggage on the plant, so thankfully no larf on this tiny lass but who knows overall weight still. She’s not quite dry but I’ll probably pull her down and trim her up tomorrow and give a final weight then. @THCeed you the man :muscle:t2: sorry for that dirty thumb nail… I was in the garden

Edited for report after…uh… some amount of minutes:

It’s been in my body now for a short while! Slightly skunky, berry forward forest floor on the nose. It’s fresh smelling but still smells pretty deep, if that makes sense. Effects: instantly happy and immediate body relief. Had that 'i should slow down and pay attention ’ sort of feel to it right away. 10-15 minutes later there’s really nice body relaxation and a definite high eyes feeling. Heavy like I just woke up even though I’m plenty of coffee in. Currently it makes me want to go on a hike and just chill. Good for getting things done for me because of the body relaxation but I’d imagine a few more bowls and I could definitely lay down for a 24 hour nap. I did just have the one bong full. As I trim tomorrow I’ll try it through a dry pipe and joint and probably have more to say on the high and taste.