Yellowed bottom leaves patchy - is this potassium deficiency?

Just developed in the past 12 hrs. Only affected two out of four plants side by side so I dont think its bugs. Its only on the bottom two layers of leaves, so I trimmed them off immediately. What can I use for potassium if I dont have access to fertilizer soon??

That is not potassium deficiency to me. That looks like nitrogen leaching from the leaf either from low light or the container is getting small and the roots are getting crowded. Notice how healthy the rest of the leaf is.

So repot bigger to solve the root crowding? Anything else to suggest? What happens when it leaches out?

The leaf falls off because there isn’t enough light or roots to support it. If you are planning to repot in two or three days you will be fine. This is normal.

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Next time leave the leaf on so if it is low nitrogen or whatever it will pull nutrients from that leaf and not the next one in line. I normally don’t pull a leaf until it is almost brown unless i am defoliating for a specific reason.


@mac07 Have you figured out what nutrients you are going to grow with?

you can make your own nutrients. for potassium grab an lb of organic bananas, an lb of organic sugar, and a young coconut for that extra pizzaz. mash all together. add a bit of coconut water and drink the rest fill glass jar 2/3 full. lay lid on loose for like 10 days. Korean natural farming. working with nature


Hi mac07, Looks like there are creases on those leaves, like from moving aquare pots around and the leaves get squished from pressing against the pots. As far as fertilizer, you can’t go wrong with the advice to learn about Korean Natural Farming. A real good info source is the “Organics for Beginners” thread over at icmag. It is really for beginners to advanced. I don’t know how it is that you don’t have any fertilizer. I’ll go back in the posts to see if you mention why. If you are simply poor, and are in the states, I could send you some organic fert to use.


Are there any accompanying symptoms? Wilting, etc?

and if in canada ill hook it down:)

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Hi Limota, thank you — I had originally been frustrated with the leaves turning yellow and I crumpled them in my hand before I threw them out. Then I thought I’d better get a picture before I post with questions, so the creases are just from me lol. Thanks you for the info about the organics. I wasn’t able to drive into town today and I’m a long ways off from a store, so I think I’ll pick up some nutrients on the weekend. I’m in CA, so a long ways a way, but thanks for the offer!!

Yup you bet! Land of the … Legal Cannabis (almost). I am in SK, are you saying you could send some fertilizer? Is is costly?

Nope, just the yellowing and brown patches. They’re all very healthy from two branches up.

Nahh. I could send you a little notill starter kit. Just would need to get some cash flowXD shipping to sk from bc wouldnt be bad. All you would need is a cuft of good vermicompost (i can help you find that online but shipping is sometimes more then the product(worth it though)) some sphagnum peatmoss and some lava rock. Both of which you could find in town:) i spend about 5 bucks a run on nutrients. Ive seen people spend 200 on a runXD

I have the peat moss. Ill havr a look in town this weekend for vermicompost and lava rock. Peavey Mart maybe? Whats the ratio for mix? I have to repot them in a bigger pot so this would be a good time.

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Good vermi compost is hard to come by. Most stores have garbage. Before wasting 30 bucks call or email the company that makes it and ask them what they make it from. I spent 90 bucks on 3 bags of peat moss that has been run through a worm binXD and lava rock you can get at like home hardware or a garden supply store. Also landscaping companies have tons and if you ask for a 5gal bucket usualy they laugh and give it to your for freeXD raindeer naturals in vancouver is where i get mine. They ship it. Costs me like 25 a bag and 35 for shippingXD worth it in my eyes though. And the ratio is 1:1:1 ewc:peat:lava rock. Make sure to amend the ewc before adding it to the mix. I would send you the amendments when i get some cash:) most of it you can only buy bulk (which i did)

Always start with the basics before thinking its a soil problem. I’ve had low temps look like PK problems.

Temps, Lighting, Insects, PH. etc… If you can do a soil test, its helpful.

Look at everything first before you start hammering fertilizer or feed in there.

Usually soil problems due to poor soil setup are the cause but most problems are soil related.

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Im using a mix 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 sheep manure. At 4/5 weeks I fertilized with liquid fish emulsion.