"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

As intended :smiling_imp::wink::rofl:


plants are looking awesome @RainToday, your room is overflowing with goodnessā€¦:grinning::grinning::grinning:
Must take skill to move around in there. Lol


Lol! Thereā€™s exactly as much space as I need to walk comfortably without turning sideways. Unless I put stuff in the aisle :wink:
Itā€™s a bit tight, but I wanted to squeeze in more plants more than anything else :grin::rofl:

Hereā€™s the story of the little auto pineapple that persevered :wink:
Seed to water Dec 9, and like a lot of my ā€œfancyā€ seeds lately, she got root rot of some sort. Iā€™ve sworn off overwatering and changed my soil mix, but too late for her. However, she greened right up from some foliar spray and a transplant to better soil.

Even topping couldnā€™t stop her from blooming at tiny size, so I transplanted her again, so I could move her into some better light without taking up space needed by ā€œgoodā€ plants:

Undeterred by that and continually being moved about the greenhouse wherever there was room, she bloomed, and it was frosty and delightfully pineapple. So I rewarded her with pollen from a home pineapple cross male, and she produced this ridiculous packet of seeds, which I harvested February 15.

But she had a few fresh pistils too! So I delightedly dabbed on some Zamaldelica pollen. Today the first of those seeds was brown and fully ripe, and I see about 4 more green ones, and at the base sheā€™s grown a two little extra foxtail buds, with several white pistils. So I grabbed some of the leftover Zam pollen, and weā€™ll find out if itā€™s any good, and just how long she can keep making seeds :grin::rofl:


Thatā€™s amazing and super cute!!! :smiley: :green_heart: :sparkles:

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Looking good @RainToday, hope you kick that overwaterings butt. What change did you make to your soil?

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I bought new :laughing:
KIS organics ā€œwater only with biocharā€
My delicate darlings will get that on top half, or even in the whole bag. Then it will get mixed in & re-used for the rest.

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Coaching please? I think maybe after literally over 40 years of selective breeding for outdoors in Northern California, the photoperiod has changed on these, or else I just didnā€™t understand well. All my Woodrose crosses in my greenhouse are stacking up to bloom. Theyā€™re under 17/7, it was 16/8 until about a week ago. Itā€™s a timer, thereā€™s no leaks.

The beauties from @Ris arenā€™t stacking.

My plan is to switch to a 20/4 schedule. This may help explain why I had nearly no success with revegging & cloning the original moms.

I looked it up, and in the photos of their outdoor weed stacking and budding it was July, which is still 14h of daylight in Humboldt.

Are there other photo strains that start to flower outdoors under a 14h daylight? Or do they wait to start until it hits 12h nights?

Woodrose 28 x Grapefruit Stacking:

Mimosa from @Ris being a good girl:

Oh, and the Grapefruit behaved normally when I grew it.


Starting to flower with 14h of daylight is typical, depends on the strain ultimately. Starting flower at 12/12 outdoors would mean that flowering wouldnā€™t start until the fall solstice.


Thank you very much. This was about ready to make my head explode. Autoflowers are so much simpler.


Hi buddy, you want to swap for some of these? Iā€™d love to try Zam Express OD this year


I could trade more if my own seeds or something from my collection if youā€™re seeking a specific genetic


Sure, Iā€™ll send you a PM :slight_smile:

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Addresses please:
21. @MyrtleGrounds :us:
22. @Jhamersburg :us:
23. @420noob :us:
24. @mainerJ :us:
26. @Pigeonman :canada: :metal:
27. @AmnioticBaptism :us:
28. @GallacreekD66 :us:
29. @Villiager :eu:
30. @splinter7 :us:
31. @Originalweedman F6 :us:
32. @jessethestoner f6 :canada:
33. @Crawfish :canada:
34. @Kasper0909 :us:
35. @hawkman :us:
36. @THCeed
37. @Sincitytoker
39. @FeloniousMonk
40. @Rhino_buddy
41. @Growgrassblowglass :us:
43.@Wotcha :uk:
44. @smokekulture :us:


Thanks so much @RainToday ! I am so blown away with all the generosity in this community. You rock!





Thanks very much for sharing seeds with so many of us! This really is the best community of people online ive been a part of!


@RainToday is making it rain in hereā€‹:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:, alot of happy members getting some :fire:

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Youā€™re all very welcome! I feel very lucky I can share. Some day I plan to share my own developed genetics, but this :fire: was bred by Night Owl, I just did the F5 :slight_smile:

If you get kid art with your seeds, that was my 18 month old nephew and I :rofl: and if you get random off-season cards, that was my mom getting them nearly free at the Goodwill Outlet. Free stickers too :laughing:

@Mrgreenthumb I donā€™t see you on the list :scream: :wink::rofl:

@Jhamersburg that call was for your address, not to sign up again :laughing::v::green_heart: :rofl:

@AppalachianBiscuits send over an address any time :smiley:

More seeds will go out again next weekend. :smiley:
Mondays are nuts in my life, and the weather is gorgeous. Got the outside garden to work on. Mulch, pruning, bulb planting tomorrow and Tuesday, rain and cool supposed to return on Wednesday so Tuesday evening should be fruit tree grafting and Wednesday fruit tree planting.

Hope everyoneā€™s week gets off to a great start!


Thanks, no problem, saw some empty spots and figured what the hellā€¦ :heart:

Happy Monday @RainToday
I hope you have a wondeful week!!! Get out there today and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having in the PNW right now. :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: