"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Mosquito Dunks, or any product with the same Bt stuff in it. Works perfectly. I tried all sorts of other things. I think it also helped when I got a bunch of springtails and beneficial mites living in the soil. I think the springtails outcompete them, and the mites prey on their larvae. But Bt was the ticket to actually exterminate them. They sell musquito buts too, but I already had the dunks for outside. I put them in the bullet blender. Blend, wait a couple hours, blend again and apply to every plant and a bit in any drip trays, then keep the soil a bit extra wet on the surface for a few days to make sure it stayed active.


Do you water the plants with the BTI?
I have ended buying it because I tryed accari and other solutions and no one worked. I spray the leaves … but the f***ing gnats are still there. Less, but there.

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Yes, what you are trying to do is get it into the soil where the gnat larvae are.

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Scarlet Grapes bud porn :wink: and general gorgeousness :heart_eyes: and the younger Scarlet Grapes coming along nicely.

Post mortem on the stunted afghanis, it was definitely root rot / damping off. One girl is doing alright, and one boy is determined to make some pollen. I’ll probably save some of his pollen, that girl is from the most cold tolerant of the seeds, and the boldest sprouter, certainly the one best adapted to my growing environment. I’ve got 5 more seeds planted, perhaps I’ll find a male to match her in there. :slight_smile:

I knocked over the little shot glass of germinated Zam seeds and spilled half of them with the most amazing schpoinkkkk sound right onto & therefore into the round fan. So only about 4 black ones got planted. Well, at least that’s how many got planted purposefully. :woman_facepalming::laughing::woman_shrugging:


Might as well just throw all the seeds you have in a jar and throw a handful at your fan occasionally. :grin:

I have my little canister of unknown mystery seeds, saving them for when I can sow them all at once outdoors one day and do a poly hybrid open pollination. :+1:


Ha ha ha. :joy: I have a “special “ strain that I have named “ FLOOR SEED “. :rofl: Its what you would call a multi- multi polyhybrid mix. :sweat_smile:


I have floor seed all over my apartment


I bet that “special” strain of of seed is in EVERY growers collection. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


When you shuck in a small space it gets everywhere. I should really vacuum but that’s a Mrs Foreigner job. I sweep, she vacuums. That’s the deal.


Sounds to me like your end of the deal is “throwing seeds on the floor”. 🫣


Whenever I make a weed mess I say “go cry about it on your giant mountain of weed”

I don’t like the sound the vacuum makes.


Lol! My mum hates the vacuum sound too, so mostly I do it & she sweeps. In spite of my best efforts I get dirt all over the house regularly, and pot leaves fall off in the shower when I wash the plants off. She says it’s worth it for her “giant mountain of weed”. :rofl:


What is her favorite strain … :smiley:


So far, the pineapple auto from HomeGrownCannabisCo for a functional day smoke because of the happy head high. For helping with sleep, she loved Critical Purple from them, and also I grew a BB#3 from Night Owl and that was pretty epic, but hard to judge off just one plant.

Her all time most beloved for enjoyable smoking is still the Woodrose. I hope we can get back and get some seeds that aren’t a cross from our old friends this Spring.

I think she’ll love the Zamaldelica Express, but I seeded the whole thing :rofl:

Also, fortunately for my desire to grow everything, she and the friends I share with really enjoy smoking a wide variety of things, and are pretty tolerant of the occasional seed. :wink::rofl:


Need addresses please from:
@Gadarien @Sbeanonnamellow @LzBoy @Cormoran @Wizdom

(@LoveDaAutos you and @blowdout2269 I’m holding a couple more weeks unless you’re itching to drop these - got something special developing)

Anyone else whose address I don’t have is welcome to send them early. :green_heart::v:

Also, the current foster kittens have moved on to a wonderful new home :partying_face: so no more orange fur on my buds :wink:

Here’s the green room right now:


Thanks Rain, deets inbound.
I’ve never fostered, due to the fact that I’d end up keeping em for sure.
Heck ya. Mrs.Lz does everything around the apartment (I cook and grow) Especially after I got 30oz on my second grow.
Saving us $3600 by staying away from the govt dispo :+1:
Basically paid off my hobby startup cost.


Thank you for helping the kitties. :smiley_cat: :cat2:


We love doing it. And @LzBoy I do miss them, but I’m not great at forming attachments, and the silver lining on that is that it’s easier for me than most to give away the kittens. I absolutely :100:% love them when they’re here with me, but seldom get attached to any. I’ll be just as delighted with the next batch. So far my cat Maui is the same - he really enjoys playing with them, and when they’re gone he drives me crazy with requests to play with him, but he’s only attached to me. I did vow that if he ever bonds to a kitten I will keep that one.

We saved quite a bit by growing at home too, though not as much as we would have if I just grew what mum needed, instead of going nuts with all the extra space and lights and seeds. :rofl:


Deets sent. Thank you!


No itch here.

…oh wait, now I’m itching with curiosity!