"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

They definitely are forest material :call_me_hand:t2: :evergreen_tree:
Thanks for sharing pictures :star_struck:
Getting these going soon.


Glad you enjoyed them! No idea what the cross will do, but surely nothing too small since the Grapefruit is listed as happily topping 6ā€™. :heart_eyes:
No pressure intended though - grow whatever you like whenever you wish, if itā€™s my stuff Iā€™ll be honored. :slight_smile:

@BeTheLight I meant to tag you, since you popped one in soil - and donā€™t worry, I kept all of the parent plants under 3ā€™ easily, so indoor is totally reasonable.



Probably stoned when I posted that. I fixed it!

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Germinating a few :wink: of my Woodrose cross seeds. Donā€™t know if you can see them, but thereā€™s a ton of tails just 24h in.
Also 5 full Woodrose seeds. Those are probably fems though, so Iā€™ll preserving them as moms and working on the project with them.

A third of those seeds are Woodrose crossed with autoflower, so I can work on bringing them over to autos. :slight_smile:
Iā€™m kicking myself for not recording which original mom was the purple pheno. Just got to grow a bunch and hope it shows up somewhere again.

Hereā€™s the truce Iā€™ve made with my cat. He thinks that is his sunbathing shelf. I think itā€™s my seedling shelf.

The Mango Smile x Grape Krinkle are looking great

Zam girl is starting to stretch, and the boy has gone into bathroom exile :wink:
The dark green one on the right behind it just showed a first pistil :slight_smile:

And this is the Chocolate Thai Cake, which is looking pretty awesome! It had a bit of a slow start after my cat jumped up and stepped on the pot right next to it right before it came up. I bet there was some damage to the rootlet, but it looks completely happy now.

Oh, and I LOVE the structure of these home crosses! Just removed a tomato to give them more space :rofl:


im probably gonna pop 2 or 3 more wood rose crosses and toss them in a 5 gallon haha. I transplanted the one thats been growing , but I got a feeling she might be on the road to dying lol. Totally user error. In hindsight I could use some perlite , You pot has WAYYYYYYYYYYYY more than mine


No worries, pop more, learn more! Half are gonna be boys anyway. :wink: HMU if you run out of seeds.

Some of the white is perlite, but the big stuff and some of the small is pumice instead, and I also put in some red lava rock from the yard. I donā€™t think perlite is the only way to go, but when I was starting out its all I was familiar with using indoors, and I got three giant bags on clearance. Aeration is great, but thereā€™s lots of ways to get it. :slight_smile:

Also, Iā€™m still very much working on my soil game. So far I get significantly better results from fresh soil than my re-used, re-amended, but Iā€™m closing the gap. I canā€™t afford to grow this many plants and buy them all new soil every time.

The other thing Iā€™m doing about it is breeding for plants that still do well in sub-optimal conditions. Theyā€™ll never yield match a plant grown in perfect conditions, but I think thereā€™s a need for ā€œeasy growā€ autos. Ones you can just drop in a pot of cheap soil and feed whatever you can get your hands on and expect a good (7/10) yield. :smiley:


Dandelion greens contain a lot of calcium. :+1:
I use it as mulch together with grass clippings, kitchenscraps, tree leavesā€¦


All but one out of about 100 of these Woodrose x Grapefruit popped :star_struck:

I planted 72 super perfectly in the tray with Happy Frog, watered them in, and then accidentally dumped the tray. At least they were all the same kind. I scooped the whole mess back in and put the lid on. I guess ā€œsurvival of the fittestā€ will be where we start instead of ā€œcareful comparison under equal conditionsā€ :woman_facepalming::laughing:

I planted 12 more plus the other varieties in a second tray which I did not dump.

@Rogue thatā€™s what I do in my outdoor garden. :green_heart: For indoors I chop and drop or bury green stuff, and I feed a worm bin that produces vermicompost for my plants :heart_eyes:


Planting all those seeds and then dumping them sounds like something I would do. :joy:ha ha ha. Dont feel bad. I set things down in front of me, turn around, and then I cant find it again. :crazy_face:


Perhaps youā€™re making it too complicated for yourself, might as well just throw a handful of seeds straight into a big pot of soil, do some twinkle-twinkle with your fingers while professing your intent, declaring what it is that you desire with great conviction yet zero insistance as to what the outcome should be, then sprinkle a thin layer of earth on top and watch the magic unfoldā€¦ :zap:

Those who canā€™t play nice with the others will die on their own.
Those that get along, cherish them!

Thatā€™s my approach. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Edit: well, thatā€™s my approach for regulars! Autoā€™s donā€™t play well with others by default, the majority are hermits, loners, gods and beasts.
Sowing them each in their own final big pots and selecting from there, prevents them stunting.

Autoā€™s want a king size bed all for themselves!


Lol! Youā€™re probably right. Thatā€™s much more my style. Even with the autos - usually I just plant several in a big pot and thin out the losers before they get big enough for their leaves to touch. Sometimes I get soft-hearted and let them grow together and stay small. :rofl: Any winning boys get transplanted because I donā€™t care if they get stunted.

Iā€™ve never tried to grow a bunch of photoperiods before. I had visions of a large array of small pots like @PsillyRabbit is doing, each with a clone in the other room still vegging and a charming lollipop bud to sample. I need to find a winnner male too, one that passes on the Woodrose genes well, unless I get lucky and my ancient seeds sprout. Its not looking good for them so far. Anyhow. That highly organized dream isnā€™t lost, but it might indeed not be realistic for me. :rofl: Weā€™ll see.

Also, any input from anyone on how late in the game a 16-week autoflower might show sex? Iā€™m trying to figure out at what point I can decide my sexless wonders are photoperiod plants. I do have some genetics around for very long running autos, and some of them do seem to have started stacking - switched to alternate instead of opposite leaf arrangement.


Photo update
Stem porn at 4 weeks, hopefully an auto

Do you think this Scarlet Grapes will be a Sativa pheno?

The babies

Zamaldelica Express female at 4 weeks

Imperium X auto at 4 weeks


Looks like something inbetween to me.


To early to tell I think. The 2 I grew were sativa leaners. They leaves are so thin and they stretched 100 miles.
The Scarlet Grapes @BIGJ has are fat leafed squat plants.
I hope it is in between. That would be a real nice plant to grow.

Ok, Im all caught up. Took a bit of time but i did it. Now I feel vested.

I have to say as I was reading through your trials and tribulations, all i could think of was how complex the process you are using. I know the science backs up these things but still sometimes Its better to just wing it.

I seen the kitty sunbathing in between the domes and thought thats dangerous, then seen the following picture where the trays were flipped. Gotta love em, but they are nutty.

I wish you the best of luck with your garden and ill be tagging along so long as you would have me. :call_me_hand: :upside_down_face:


Aww! Thanks @Ris , delighted to have you here :green_heart:.

I realize now its not apparent, and I ought to specify - all the complexity is for my own enjoyment.

I could meet momā€™s needs with a handful of plants in a simple tent with new purchased soil every time, and do it perfectly in my sleep. But that would be really really boring for me. :rofl:

So when you read the wild rompus, know that I only need about 25% of my potential harvest, so Iā€™m not risking anything I canā€™t afford to lose. If thereā€™s a ridiculous disaster, go ahead and laugh, because after I got done swearing I probably did too.

Thatā€™s why the cat is in the grow room - he makes me happy, and being in the warm planty space with me makes him happy. I flipped those trays all on my own. :woman_facepalming::rofl:

Maui (cat) is pretty good about staying on the lower levels now, and I pick him up to inspect the higher up plants. :rofl: If he someday kills a plant, :woman_shrugging:eh, it was worth it. :heart:

My plant obsession runs deep and wide - my outdoor garden is just as much of an adventure. My current proudest creation is a braided, fruiting, myrobalan plum handrail with a pluerry grafted on one end now being made into an arch over the path. And yes, itā€™s kind of impractical to have fruit on a handrail, but Iā€™ve got a plan for thatā€¦ :rofl::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


I can dig that. ā€œKnowing is half the battleā€ came to mind.

If im laughing its with you, not at you.

nuff, said.

Sounds like you got a pretty good thing going, and from what ive gathered so far, a pretty good group of feline followers.

Cant wait to see what you come out with on the handrailā€¦ It sounds kinda awesome!!


Switched the lights to 16/8, tx @Carty for advice. Once I cover the door better they could go to 18/6.

Looked up daddy records, cut the two Diana crosses that werenā€™t blooming. There were two pollens, one was a home auto x, and the other was Steve, so @pharmerfil its possible Steve was an unstable photoperiod. I have more in the chute to grow out to test.

Looked up daddies on these other home pineapple crosses, and moved them over to the side so they donā€™t get in the way of the blooming Zam or shade the Scarlet Grapes.

If theyā€™re photoperiods, thereā€™s two daddy choices. Either someone elseā€™s cross of Bruce Banner Ɨ Future #1, or there was a very little bit of Woodrose fem pollen around since I stressed a couple into herming a bit. They donā€™t look like Woodrose, and Iā€™d be interested to grow out either of those crosses, so Iā€™m going to hold onto them until 12/12 time. But they donā€™t need the primo flowering location.

Scarlet Grapes is looking good, I think sheā€™ll appreciate having the other plant out of the way. :grin:

The seedlings and the rest are all fine.


Stem rot on a healthy plant in flower? Wtf?

Sheā€™s looked a little thirsty for a few days, and now I notice this nasty fungal thing happening to her stem. Iā€™ve moved a fan so itā€™s pointed right at it now. Not even sure what else might help. So weird. I could use to raise my air circulation, but thatā€™s been plenty true before.

Fully in flower. Itā€™s my larger Imperium X auto from Anesia. The second of those is quite small, likely from having a hard time with fungus on the roots early on. Iā€™m going with the theory that this is a vulnerable couple of plants, or even whole strain.

Any guesses whether Zamaldelica Express is fungus resistant? I was going to pollinate with that, but now Iā€™m wondering if I want to just let this one go. Iā€™ve got some more of those seeds. Might not even get to choose, considering she could just croak outright on me.

Gah. Give me a nice tough plant instead any day.


Judging from the marketing talk on their website Iā€™m not surprised their stuff isnā€™t up to par. :smile:

ā€œit makes you fly higher than any other strainā€
ā€œexceptionally high THC content of up to 29%ā€
ā€œlengthy and elaborate breeding methodsā€

They also made the name a Registered Trademark. :joy:

I hope you didnā€™t pay for these seeds.