"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Lol! We can’t all have perfect judgement all the time. :wink:


Oh, I know, I once, in a haze of desperation, paid some dodgy stranger online via Western Union to send me hash in the mail. :joy:

And that’s how we learn to discern…


Bud shots! :heart_eyes::grin:
Here’s my Diana cross, she’s developed this lovely lovely sweet sleep. It reminds me a bit of muffins, or pineapple without the tangy component. Definitely resembles the scent of Diana mom, so going to pull her out and pollinate her with the Diana male today. Then she can get sprayed down and returned, and he can be fed to the worms. :laughing: I’ll breathe a relieved sigh with one less pollen in the house.

Next up is my Late Night Chocolate × Midnight Gospel cross. Those were auto tester crosses from Pigtail Gardens. They do seem quite uniform in appearance. All small and fast, very healthy. They and my pineapple crosses often actually produce harvestable bud in 8 weeks. She’s got a sweet smell too, but not food-like. Maybe a musky floral perfume.

And yes, the cucumbers have gotten completely ridiculous. :rofl:


I had a cucumber plant in a pot in my tent as well some years ago, they do need lots of soil volume, I got like two mini cucumbers befor it died, it was rather underwhelming but fun to have the yellow flowers around. :smile:


I think with these going out in the morning that I’m all caught up. So if I promised you something and you don’t have either it or a message, please do message me. :green_heart:



Soo. The thrips have returned, more ladybugs have been ordered. No pics, I’m not a horror genre fan or writer :wink:

The question of the day is, did I magically get broadmites on my Zamaldelica Express too, or is this just too much N or something nutrient mismanagement as I originally thought?

Also, any nutrient deficiency guesses on this one? I’m looking through photos and things in this tool Plant Doctor - Diagnose Your Cannabis Plants! | Grow Weed Easy , I’ll look more other places later too. Its not my best area.


Maybe you’re not kissing their leaves often enough!
They appreciate that you know…
Boosts the morale. :smile:
I know I do.


:joy: I do give them love and praise nearly every day, lately usually twice a day, but you’re right, I don’t provide any actual smooching. I even kissed the kittens a couple times lately inside the greenhouse - the plants are probably jealous. :wink::grin:
But the leaves are actually kind of itchy :rofl:


She’s a very small plant, but this Late Night Chocolate x Midnight Gospel is making some gorgeous frosty buds with very little care or feeding. :heart_eyes:

I potted the best of my Woodrose Remedy cross seedlings and the single full Woodrose up into solo cups.

This Diana cross is making a massive cola, covering it in frost and smelling amazing. I’m really sorry I didn’t cull the other two plants in the pot sooner so she could have gotten lots bigger.

Life’s been overly full, but I finally got to drop my last few sativa auto beans. That means when I start harvesting I’ll be switching over to a indica-leaners for one auto run.
@OnePassionateGrower your Sour Froyo is in here :slight_smile: I dropped 3 beans in the water. Noticed when I opened the package that one enormously larger seed had actually been cracked by the rollers, so I included it just in case it might still live.

@pharmerfil a pair of your Grape Pinnacle x Chem Candy hit the water too :slight_smile: looking forward to seeing what that combo does. :smiley:

More pineapple crosses are in the water also, and an Emerald Fire OG auto seed.

Lastly, I’m really frustrated because I can’t find my Scarlet Grapes seeds. This one is looking lovely and I wanted to give her some company.


Awesome lineup hope they all grow extremely well for you @RainToday :star_struck: :call_me_hand:t2: :fire:
:crazy_face: :peace_symbol:


Great diary! Glad i found it. Looks like you have a lot going on. I would lose track! No help with old beans, wish i had a helpful tip for crackin them old ones. Zero experience in that department. Sure would be cool to bring back some oldies!
Good growing :v:


Sometimes it helps old seeds to germinate if you crack them between your teeth. Just bite down slightly and slowly. You will feel the shell pop open.:rainbow:

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Happy to have you here! :smiley: I do lost track sometimes :rofl: but I’ve gotten better at being firm with myself about labeling everything, and holding the plant labels in the photos, and this journal is helpful too. :slight_smile:
I passed off the really old seeds @Magu and its not looking good for them, but I’ve got some of their modern descendants at least, and hopefully can get more. They still have wide diversity and smell and smoke the same my mom says.


Happy Dance
Mum found my Scarlet Grapes seeds today! Woohoo! 3 in the water now :green_heart:


Hooray for mum!!!


Omg. The triangle. I’m dieing :rofl::rofl::rofl:


You better live to see another day, those babies need you!


Ladybug army delivered and released! :heart_eyes:
Little gals are HUNGRY & thirsty. Little bit of watering took care of the thirst, and the hunger should take care of whatever thrips may have survived.

I removed the plant I found the thrips on, it was a home cross anyway and seemed to be a photoperiod. Out to the green bin city compost. I did leave a stump in case it wants to grow back, since it had a gorgeous structure.

From what I’ve seen thrips prefer to lay their eggs on just barely fully inflated leaves. So out with that plant went all the mature foliage from the tomato beside it, the remnant basil plants I was going to let go to seed, all the fan leaves from the in bloom autoflower, two more tomatoes whose leaves looked damaged (I had too many anyway), the foliage from the other tomato I hope to keep.

I did see one predator mite patrolling the baby pepper in that area, so left the pepper.

Ladybugs aren’t the perfect predator in many ways, but it’s easy for me to get a very large number of them and keep them alive. They’ll eat all the thrips if there’s nothing else around and a small population of thrips vs a very large number of ladybugs. There’s some pollen available for them to munch on too, on the cucumber flowers.


The predator mite population in the soil has exploded, the ladybugs are hard at work, and I LIKE BIG BUDS I CANNOT LIE :star_struck::rofl:

That was the Diana cross. Totally pollinated her smaller buds. So in love! She smells like sweet ripe pineapple, from daddy, but that bud size is not usual for the pineapples. Very interested to see how she’ll smoke. Harvested the big buds, left the rest to make seeds, and planted a Scarlet Grape successor in the other side of the pot.

Here’s a gorgeous closeup of bud on the Late Night Chocolate x Midnight Gospel. Both the parents were lovely lovely tester crosses from Pigtail Gardens. I know there’s not money in it to keep going with them, but it was some lovely work and I’m delighted to be continuing to grow them.