Yeti's Bustin' Buds with BBP!

So I culled more than a few plants, disposed of a lot of soil, bleached the fuck out of EVERYTHING several times a week for two weeks and set my room back up.

The babies were hit with end all, doktor doom thrip killer and other substances because not only did my neighbour bring me thrips, he brought me WPM too!

Anyway, I’m watching like a hawk now, spray bottles at the ready.

Had a run of bad luck upstairs too, with two Shortcrack seedlings two Ground Zero Grape and two Fogdog’s from @corey getting beheaded when my big furry buddy’s waggy tail knocked the lid off their humidity dome…

Am still working on adding more as some of what’s downstairs will have to be relocated upstairs…

Everything is being hit with BBP right now, not what I was planning but I WILL do a comparison soon with clones!

I am VERY pleased with how the plants look and are growing.

Pics 1,2 &3 are young plants recently hit with elitexelite reversal spray. I’m making pollen, these will go upstairs once I start seeing balls.

  1. BIF White Grape x Meph 24k

2) Meph (MBAP x Double Grape) x Meph White Crack

3) Strawberry Shortcrack

The rest are plants being grown for flower this run, I doubt the pollen from the above 3 will be ready…

Fog dog from @corey

Two Meph 3 Bears OG x Double Grape

Marion Beary White

Not shown 2 more (MBAP x DG) x WC seedlings + other sprouts.


OH MY GAWDS! I’m shocked you haven’t beaten down that neighbour yet!! :rofl:

LOVE THE CRINKLES! Everything’s looking like it’s coming along really well bruv. :smiley:

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How many times did you spray the elitexelite ?


They have relatives in the Mennonite Community in North Carolina I think and had just bough a house there…They were going down to renovate their kitchen there and won’t be back until April I think?

Am kind of happy about that, them being Mennonite also means they’re anti-vaxxers. Keep that away from my family please!



According to the directions that’s all it should need.

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That would be awesome. I’m doing my first sts. Sprayed 4 times so far and one has reversed


I’ll keep you all in the loop on how that works too.

These are small plants, I bought an 8oz bottle, sprayed 3 plants well and am guessing I have about 7.5 ounces left

Have uses STS and Colloidal Silver, both gave me way more burn.


I’m getting a little burn as well.


@Yetigrows , glad to see your plants are recovering !!!

Remember the 2ml/8 oz dilution ratio is just that…if you only have 2-3 plants you can just mix up 1ml/4 oz ! Excess diluted BBP can be applied to any ornamentals ( Realizing there’s not a lot of ornamentals happy this time of year).

Word of caution for anyone following along…if you have plants selected for STS or coloidal silver sprays, do not apply any BBP to those plants !! BBP will MAGNIFY the affects and may well be a toxic situation…

Not saying you did Yeti, just thought the opportunity to mention it was worthwhile !!!


Well my friend, we’re going to find out how BBP and elitexelite work together…

Not sprayed at same time however, the two BBP applications were 12 days apart with the reversal spray in the middle.

We’re 24 hours after the 2’nd BBP spray and the leaves although crinkling and twisting are not burned at all and still look healthy!


Great !, I’m not highly concered about fungicide or pesticide sprays EXCEPT where there are OILS or spreaders included…spreader/stickers are great on the leaf surface but BBP is going to take it into the cells…not good juju !

I’m glad you pulled that off !!! Will be glad to learn from you’re experience there Yeti !!

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am pretty sure there are no oils in elitexelite as it comes as a concentrated powder that I mixed with distilled water myself.

You will be kept in the loop as far as anything untoward I notice. So far everything looks great!


Thank You !!!


@BudBusterPro , are there any addatives you suggest avoiding when using BBP? As an example i add both grotek gro-silic (silica) and harvest miracle (copper) to all my mixes.

I’ve been enjoying seeing the logs here on OG trying out your product. :hugs:


@Pigeonman, thank you for your interest…

Essentially, anything that you are currently adding to your soil/hydro nuets you may continue to use
when utilizing the BBP foliar program…it is only foliar nutrients which we discourage, because of
conflicting/mitigating chemistry…hope that helps !!!


This very much does help. Thank you most kindly. :bowing_man:


Update time!

The room has recovered from the WPM and thrips brought in by my wayward neighbour…(who won’t be back until maybe April now?)

Room was bleached, cleaned, bleached, cleaned and bleached again.

New Promix BX brought in some fungus gnats, but compared to the thrips and wpm, this is a minor inconvenience!

On to the pics!


Marion Beary White

(MBAP x Double Grape) x White Crack (two of these)

3 Bears OG x Mango Smile (also 2 of these)

(closest to farthest)
Strawberry Stomper
(MBAP x DG) x WC
2 x Critical Banana Smoothie


Reversed Strawberry Shortcrack about to start dropping pollen

Reversed BIF White Grape x Mephisto Double Grape also about to splooge

Reversed (MBAP x DG) x WC starting to form pollen pods.

Everything this run is being hit with BBP on the proper schedule.

Fan on my furnace has gone again, have been without heat for 2 days. FUN!


Also, late to the party…

Ground Zero Grape x 2


They fog dog looks so happy! Solid update my guy


LOOKING GREAT!!! @Yetigrows !