You Okies are cannabis crazy!

Yup, Oklahoma is pretty conservative. I’m in Kansas, which is about as bad -if not considerably worse- when it comes to being conservative. We have a lot of fundies, especially once you get away from the cities.

This state still hasn’t ratified the 21st Amendment and I don’t think I will live long enough to see common sense cannabis laws here. But that’s a rant for another day.


He’s only growing for his wife and hisself now.
He said it’s probably going to take years for the market to rebound. They let anyone who had the fee money open a dispensary, and completely dropped the ball. They foresaw all the tax revenue, and just handed out licenses like they were candy. In MI you better have a hefty bank account just to afford the application process.


Maybe that’s it for me too. I didn’t stop in any in OK. I’ve been to a few in my home state of Illinois and just wasn’t my thing. Felt like going to the Soup Nazi to me. Go in/order/pay/get the heck out without talking …

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Old habits die hard. I am still a criminal here, so I don’t dare relax. Don’t sell, smell or tell- that’s kept me alive and out of trouble for many years.


I like the idea of free market, low cost licensing and easy entry for the little guy. I prefer that they keep little guy with easy entry and make higher fees for larger ops. The way it was before they made a moratorium on new licenses last year, it was 2500 for a grow at any single address whether it was 50 plants or 1 million plants, as long as it was art the same address location.



Big time right?!! Man Texas HATED weed back when I was nothing but trouble.


I went to a few in Colorado and it was about the same. I think I only felt welcomed in a couple of dispensaries, including one in Leadville. This place was cool, my buddy and I had a blast visiting there.

All the rest treated me with a measure of suspicion that I just didn’t care for- especially the one in Rocky Ford. They get a lot of border-hoppers and probably have been robbed a few times, I dunno.


and eastern europeans i trimmed for a grow and he actually lived in tampa flew in once a month to check things out . im thinking the state needs to crack down on the straw men who just give there names to be on the liscence but someone else runs and finances the grow. but had a commercial liscence here in oklahoma. im like wtf i moved here to do it thr right way but fuk it now ill just grow share and sell a bit here and there


March 7th is the vote for rec. I don’t believe any plant should be illegal. I hope we do pass it.


I assumed rec was legal there, given the number of retail outlets. What’s it cost to get a “med card?” Does it happen on the spot?

My first Med card was $200. Since I’m now a Senior Citizen it’s 50 bucks I think. For a two year card.


That is to file. Then you wait a couple weeks for acceptance and a real card.

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And what will be the difference? Will med be one thing and rec be another, in regards to quality/price/availability? I want someone to open some shops on the TX border called “One Toke Over The Line.” Get to watch Texans drive up until they legalize. All of the buds use to come from TX. Now a lot of it moves S. Decades went by where dipshits from OK drove to TX for “6 point” Coors and Budweiser and to buy lottery tickets. We just got “strong beer” in 2018. The alcohol percentage difference is 1.5%. So nothing really, but we can have “nice” beer now too. I can go to lunch somewhere on a Sunday, not be allowed to buy a bottle of “nicer” beer, but endless pitchers of bud light… It’s a strange mental juggling act here. But…change has apparently come. And I bet it is here to stay. The older people are dying. The 70’s and 80’s kids are looser. The 90’s kids all smoke. The 00’d and up are vaping or dabbing. And really any year, you hope it is only marijuana. We have real problems… We don’t have time to waste.


im near texas imgonna copywrite that one toke over the line…lol

I just hope it passes so I don’t have to drive as far. My first harvest won’t be done until nearly June, so I’m going to have to make a road trip or two to get me by until then. I like driving, but it’s risky and sketchy.


Same here. I’m also a combat veteran, and bring those skills into the equation. By that, I don’t mean killing. I mean things like land navigation, cover and concealment, organization, etc. I’ve posted this here on OG before, but I’ll post it again: we used the acronym “OCOKA.” It stands for:
Cover and concealment
Key terrain features
Avenues of approach
Apply that to any potential grow site. It has kept soldiers alive since the dawn of time, and will also work for hiding plants.


Can’t get much better than hiding them in a closet- after all, do you know what is in your neighbors’ closets?

But you gotta be careful, especially living in a prohibition state. Odors are bad, and you don’t want to draw attention to yourself. (A lot of people get popped because they show off their plants to the wrong people irl- do your showing off on here instead, it’s safer.)


Also, have an explanation for the extra power usage. Having reptiles as pets would be a good cover. Also, have a large wall hanging (such as a flag or anything that could cover an entire wall, and (if you’re so inclined) such as a large dresser or wardrobe, preferably with wheels. That way, you can hide the fact that you even have a closet. It’s tedious to have to move a piece of furniture every time you check you plants, but it beats the hell out of the alternative. Also, put tiny amounts of resin all over the house EXCEPT where your plants are. Make a trail that leads to a stash of perfectly legal hemp, and make sure it’s in packages that say things like “hemp flower”, “contains >.03% THC”, etc.
You’re right that the most important thing is to keep quiet about it. Barry Cooper is a former narcotics officer who realized the drug war was wrong and now tells people how to avoid getting busted. He gives some really good tips.

So, I’m just catching up on this and I see that rec was defeated pretty badly, 62% against, 38% in favor.

Is that backlash against the way your med program turned out? I just read a NY Times article that claims there are over 400 medical dispensaries in Oklahoma City alone. Wow

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Was gonna make a run to OK to check it out. Reading all the above not sure I want to anymore .

I went to small town in CO 3 times and had a blast each time . Was treated well , had a huge variety of bud , had fun at all the dispos I went to . I brought dogs in every one with me too .

Don’t go back anymore because the bud is like 1/2 as good as what I grow , lol .

Bummer to hear a okie trip would suck