You Okies are cannabis crazy!

Well…there we go. Looks like there were several factors.
1.Low voter turn out. It was the only thing on the ballot. And low turnout is always the case here.
2.Then there are the people who are fine with med, but don’t want just anyone to be able to get it. So,voting to “say no to drugs” I guess.
3.Then there was the faction of people who are in the pot scene that became concerned about the money more than freedom. So, politics.
I guess we want to have a middleman to pay fees to for the privilege to overpay for sub par weed. What we did here was vote to not take money from outside of the state.


or take $$$$ from outside the country

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That wide of a margin makes me wonder.

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I use that same acronym to find my underwear!

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I think a lot of people were really unhappy with the complete free-for-all with how mmj was being handled, and this was a form of pushback.

More and more people are holding out for it to be, if not outright legalized, rescheduled or decriminalized at the Federal level. I’m too cynical to believe that it will happen in my lifetime.

It’s incredibly sad that people like me are most likely going to die as criminals because we enjoy a subset of horticulture.


I highly recommend visiting Ordway, Colorado. The Ordway Hotel is amazing, and there’s a dispensary practically next door (or there was the last few times I’ve been there).

One year I got pissed at everyone at home and had a blast spending Christmas with the hotel owners and their family. Best Christmas I ever had, in fact. Lake Ordway is stocked with trout and only a couple of miles away, so don’t forget to bring your fishing gear.


i do believe i will have to take a week end and check this place out gotta love trout and scrambled eggs with home fries…breakfeast lunch and /or dinner :grin:

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