Young Flamethrower’s Dessert Delight

Hi fellow Overgrow fam! It’s Young Flamethrower Comin at you with anotha one. Here’s a thread for my beloved Dessert Delight (it’s way before it’s time at this moment in the game)

I am making this as a Q&A. Grower questions invited.

‘Dessert Delight’ strain was conceived by combining two of Purple City Genetics’ top cultivars, Grandi Guava, and 2003 AJ’s Sour Diesel. Through a meticulous reversal process, ten seeds were produced, of which all were successfully sprouted. After extensive stress testing and careful selection, ‘Dessert Delight’ emerged as the superior strain, producing an unparalleled smoking experience.

Even in the face of challenging growing conditions, including a 10-day power outage in the midst of the flowering period and ambient light exposure during dark period, this strain demonstrated remarkable resilience and potency. As a testament to its strength, it outperformed other phenotypes in these conditions, showcasing the fusion of two exceptional strains selected with care.

One of the noteworthy characteristics of this strain is its adaptability to varying growing conditions. Through the use of only 1-gal pots and new SoHum soil straight from the bag, coupled with only tap water, it became clear that this strain was meant to thrive and was not high-maintenance.

Finally, it should be noted that the ‘Dessert Delight’ strain was not merely a lucky breeding success story. Rather, it was the result of the careful combination and selection of two top-quality strains that complemented each other exceptionally well.

Flower time: 56 days indoor
Terps: smell’s exactly like guava, then armpit on a slightly lighter but still aparent note, and funk on an even lighter note but still there- all with equal sour diesel and fuel smell

Dessert Delight vegges slower, When I say Dessert Delight vegges slow I mean don’t top her or she’ll take forever to think about how she’s gonna bounce out of it and when she does she’ll start taking off but it’ll take weeks, and she grows slow in soil but a bit faster in coco like everything, but she does not drip feed in rockwool and she likes to be bent down so every node becomes a top, she grows branches very together that need spreading and is slower than both of her parents and Grandi Guava is already a lighter yielder

It’s best to take this one 2x longer than your other strains in veg, put her in the room of baby’s being vegged when she’s the same age as the other varieties in the first room being flipped. But she’s worth it. Rock hard nuggs of purples and guava Sour armpit smell that have the qualities of the best gelato possible and the best sour possible, phenotypically, hunted with care and intention and odds are, that I won the mega million lotto ticket of a plant better than any I have ever grown or smoked, Dessert Delight.<3


Is your nickname self-appointed or did you pick it up on the streets?


One day I was in the warehouse I grow in. My mom & I always are in this warehouse and the sprinklers weren’t working in the building when the company we rent from checked one day, so they had a security company come for 24/7 watch out to report if there are any fires, right away and there wernt lol, I was growing all low key inside and didn’t want anyone to know except people online who don’t know where it is, no one from outside of my circle or anyone not referred from my circle was my mindset at that time, but my mom made friends with the one security that was here for the 2 weeks and before he leaves and goes to a new job site I meet him. JaSean is his name. I drop 50ug of acid in his mouth and we smoke and he becomes my friend and supporter of the movement of getting clean good weed from my drives up this beautiful California state that I frequently make, all for affordable to the good people of my circles in my town where nobody’s doing this at and aswell as through postal, as well as clean acid and other very quality psychedelics. So JaSean has always been loyal to me since he met me and he has been meditating his whole life. He tells me he knows the perfect name for me. And out of nowhere , well seemingly out nowhere but obviously a result of his meditation he says with great confidence “Young Flamethrower” and tells me that the logo should be the Hot Cheeto Flame guy. So I say ok, my instagram used to have my real name on it cuz I wanted to be known for my name like Jack Herer cuz I’m in Cali I don’t care but one day shortly after JaSean gave me that name I changed my instagram name to Young Flamethrower, I still remember when I called one of my buddys after that on instagram and it said my new name & he loved it! At first he didn’t recognize but loved it!! And Mass Medical Strains’s artist who made his logo, made my Flamethrower logo. Now stickers are being slapped everywhere and people are recognizing me and my work for the name. It’s a good name, and I’d like the Dessert Delight to be called Young Flamethrower’s Dessert Delight on seedpacks and in dispensarys and such, so people know who brought this cultivar to the table so they know where to get more. The name Young Flamethrower all inspired by JaSean. At the moment I’m trying to get into seedfinder so people can get this info easy aswell


Sounds like a nice strain, congrats on your journey to get here!


Thanx highly appreciated! The journey is the destination & this plant makes my life journey so much sweeter, hence the name lol but seriously the journey is very fun & passionate with this plant in my life. I’m stoked to have her, just about as stoked as the first time I smoked her but more, because I know how much she helps people and how much people love her and just knowing she’s in peoples gardens being loved makes me happy. For my body I have never found a better medical or recreational strain, my buddy Tucan Sam says it’s top 5 for him dead or alive! This variety is probably gonna be one of the slowest in the veg room, but the bud is probably gonna be better than the very great majority of stuff, because these two parent strains that made this pheno Dessert Delight represent the best combo coming together of flavor & terps, looks & high, & effects & style. Some combinations are winners and some no matter how hard you look you won’t find one better than a few from the right combo. This is the best combo I’ve ever seen put together in one flower/pheno before. & I made it. Also, I see Dessert Delight as a good cultivar to add, to cross strains that may not be a winning combo, add Dessert Delight for a 3 way cross and I bet it’ll be that winning combo or way better odds in a good amount of cases if done with care! This pheno Dessert Delight has almost the same lineage as Clearwaters Guava Gelato x Karma Sour Diesel Bx2 as well as Karma Genetics strain Sweets. Now I have never tried smoking these, I’m growing my first pack out of 15 packs I have of Guava Gelato x Karma Sour Diesel Bx2 cuz I figure ima love it so much because it’s close to Dessert Delight. And there’s a reason these high quality breeders bred this typa flavor. Because it kicks ass. That being said, I was the first and only that I know of to reverse the 2003 AJ Sour Diesel onto the Grandi Guava at this time point, I did it when the Grandi Guava clone just dropped in stores and was brand new to the streets. But I encourage others to do it again and find another Dessert Delight. Thing is , all of the phenos hermed except Dessert Delight. Granted I had a power outage for 10days and it was a round from seed when I hunted her. Which is why she’s stable. So I don’t know if it’s worth hunting for another cuz gotta dig through a lotta herme. Lol I appreciate the comment :slight_smile: @Natea


Well you got me all excited from the description and the story haha. Are these available for purchase/trade somewhere or will they be?


Honored :slight_smile: the demand is extremely high right now for one guy. I got over 15 people who need the cut. I’m having a dozen or so snips sent to me. This is real deal Sour cuz I’m always at the point where I gotta choose where they go. I also want the price low for the cut. Because it’s wonderful meds! And there won’t be enough in the world for a good long while so I’m tryna speed up how much of it is in this world. I am looking to get $125 each clone so anyone can get this clone & if someone’s passionate & doesn’t have that I’ll still get it to them :slight_smile: this is bigger than me. This is the plant I decided , not just my style type, but my body decided and soul & heart, that I would like my name on this one as one that will evolve cannabis as a better plant as a whole. I’m looking 1,000 years down the line type bigger than me. It’s the one I want to have led weed to where it will be in 3023. So therefore I am looking to spread the cut everywhere so everyone can enjoy. There’s too much bitterness in life & when you own a piece of Dessert Delight there is no feelings of depression it’s quite opposite, in fact it’s the most pleasurable feeling I have ever experienced is to have a sack of Dessert Delight & to be able to smoke it whenever I like and to be able to share it, it makes me even more happy. A true labor of love and happiness confined in a plant ready to rip in your garden expressing the love that was put in. PM me. Let me get you on my list to get the cut to ASAP @Natea


Take two clones, reverse one onto the other, grow out ten plants, tell some story, charge $125 per cut. Good stuff.


Your comment is the obvious intentions of someone who needs some Dessert Delight in life :slight_smile: I wish you some dawg

Yeah man I’m definitely glad you found something that hits as well as it does. I am low on funds but appreciate you trying to get me in on the ground floor so to speak. When/if you have some seeds further down the line just let me know man, or if you are giving out test cuts I would be happy to sample lol :grinning:.


I’ll still get it to you I don’t care about the $ I want people to have it & whore it out for the sake of meds, it’s just that it’s so limited at this moment , I hate that I can’t send them all at once to everybody. I’ll Ship one to you priority on the house when I got an extra one <3 keep her around tho ay @Natea


I just want people to appreciate it tho not only that but it does cost $ to produce so I request 125 for shipping and hlvd test and keeping her healthy and the supplies. As well as my time and gas and effort but it’s not required tbh if someone really wants this plant hit me up I’ll get you a nice fresh clean one for shipping cuz this is the only cut that’s a power ball winner for me so I just want people to have it. I’m down to do that favor for the community. It’s a labor of love, but you get one on the house cuz you showed passion @Natea


Hey that’s what’s up man, thank you for the opportunity. I am in need of some good homemade medicine, and this might be up my alley for sure. Yeah if you are getting an hlvd test and doing it right which it sounds like you are, 125 isn’t bad for a good one. I would think about it if I had enough to spare at the moment. Good thing is, its my birthday tomorrow and you will make it a great one :grinning:


I hope you have a wonderful Birthday tomorrow! Wish I had a rooted one I could throw in the mail right now, I think I may have made a less ideal choice putting a Gas House Grandaddy Pluto from Meristem tc outside to get big, I have 75 clones of that rooting. Imagine if it were Dessert Delight! I could of, too! But I chose Grandaddy Pluto because we did pay 2.1k for it. But Dessert Delight is even better in my eyes. And even tho I can get good $ for the Gas House Grandaddy Pluto clones, I think I’d rather have 75 Dessert Delight clones at this moment to spread to growers all over the world as well as use in my own projects and just have a lot of them, hindsight is always 20/20 tho. But to be honest recently it’s been multiplying by how big it’s getting so that’s really cool to be the part of that gets to see it first hand in person it’s magical.


Granddaddy Pluto is hella weak.


Thanks man! And no worries, I hope those turn out well for you. I will try to keep updated on your ventures!

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One of Dessert Delight’s features is that it gets better flavor as you smoke her. That’s something about AJ’s Sour Diesel that I noticed that is in AJs, and not in any other strain that’s common, but Desert Delight has even more of that power than AJ’s Sour Diesel as the flavor in Dessert Delight starts as delightful and ends as something you’d kill over. So much that you always smoke her till the cardboard joint tip. The amazing terps of guava, armpit, funk, with added sour diesel and gas make for a full palate. A smoke connoisseur’s of the highest standard fall in love with. Dessert Delight has a lot of flavor. So much, that I recommend a 1gram joint or just over and to smoke it in paper as I always have. If you smoke too fat of a joint it will be too much flavor, similar to taking a big bite of the Country Club Dessert dish the Dessert Delight, is extremely full of flavor so overpowering that all you can do is take small bites because it’s mouth explosive. That being said, Dessert Delight always goes super fast leaving people ‘Sour’ or at least craving the smoke very badly and when in possession are always like “that’s that shit” almost as if it’s 100% fresh air in a world that you can barely breathe of pollution of dirty air. Just like some real deal Sour Diesel, except with a twist of Guava brought to a newer level that makes it even more magical than Sour Diesel! With all of Sour Diesel’s positive traits and added traits from the Grandi Guava, being simply a banger nobody can argue otherwise when they’ve tasted.



Well she sounds awesome too me. I’m excited to try her out.
Guava Diesel sounds delicious :raised_hands:

Never tried the Grandi Guava, not the AJ Sour, but they definitely have some fame in the community. She sounds like an awesome combo.
Medicinal strains are definitely needed as well.

And I appreciate that you actually WANT her to be passed around and freely given.
Some people want special cuts they find to be kept to themselves and are only given to a few close friends.

Let us know when we can grab cuts.


The folks who want cuts tightly held have some degree of scarcity mindset and my moma taught me abundance. That, and I feel so much joy when I share this plant that it warms my heart. I’m very sensitive to cannabis and this plant ticks the right boxes in such a way that feels so good that I just want the world to feel this good.


Just wanted to update this thread with a nice smoke report from my brotha from anotha Clec.

This is what I meant by suuuuper anti-depressive. And this is a perfect description that I’ve been trying to nail but Clec nailed it.

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