Young Flamethrower’s Dessert Delight

JKushava is growing the Dessert Delight for the first time in flower day 35/37.

I recommend checking out his episode #8 on hunterreviewsmi on instagram where he explains so much about his passionate Project and shares some background insights

Where he discusses what he does. Very high class competitive soil grown Artizen flowers in Michigan. I sent him a little pollen from the #5 male of an original reg pack of Sundae Driver from Cannarado seed pack. The whole branch he pollinated took really well. Sundae Delight anyone? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Dessert Delight at day of chop today at JKushava. The vibes r off the chart today. Made a new post on the gram too with my favorite pic from here that he took! These pics are amazing. My tongues taste buds are going bizerk just watching this

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If you overwater Dessert Delight don’t worry. I have a formula that makes it not a worry. Start with a solo cup, transplant after 2 weeks to a 1 gal (this 1 gal pot has dry slots for fast dry back). I overwatered the Dessert Delight 3 days ago in this 1gal & this is the fastest turn around for a major start to a bounce back very well-this looks like it’s worst point because I see vigorous new growth 3 days after overwatering. It’s the fastest I’ve ever had as a turn around time thanks to JKushavas recipe for up potting, it’s a real safety net. I thought it was a 2 week recovery almost always, but it depends how big the fuck up was. Next I’m transplanting to a 3gal and letting it go crazy till she’s cramped in it and then in a 5gal or a 7g to flower. But I’m transplanting to a 3gal when it’s looking almost perfect as soon as that happens & im giving it a lot of love. Because transplanting when it’s not peak health is like cloning not at peak health. I have major intentions for this run. And this is the worst the run is looking I had to capture it because up till this hiccup I had a perfect run to a T. But I learned from this fuck up and will try to not do that again. What happened was I watered in these 1gal pots and I watered again 45 min later because the diamatacious eart is thick and hard to seep in on some of the plants topsoil-so I wanted to water thorough but the thing is that I should of let it rock just like that. It was watered enough. Either that or I shouldn’t have walked away after 45 min came back and finished, I shoulda watered it all thorough and waited for the Dimatacious earth to let the water seep while standing there. I was told by a breeder it’s a proper way to water to do a lil water then the major watering but I’m assuming I did a major watering at first as good as it needed. But since I am following JKushava’s recipe to repot when needed and go up from solo to 1gal to 3gal to 5gal-7gal, then this is why it’s bouncing back so fast. Plus it has dry backs daily and I water daily because these grew in fully & it has these dry back slits in the pot. If I was in a majorly bigger pot from a smaller pot with a fresh transplant and saturated I would be fucked and it would take 2 weeks to recover And the roots wouldn’t be happy at that point. I am happy I can focus and tailor attention to the plants so fuck ups are minimum. I cut back from 500+ plants to 7 Dessert Delights and one bagseed of Super Sour Diesel (same plant I was chasing and got cond from the clone conservatory - a popular thread on overgrow I found a bagseed from what I smoked that made me even find & deal with the con men at the clone conservatory - found the seed like 6 years later from when I smoked it & it was in a file tucked which was found about at the beginning of spring 2024 so that’s legendary) this tent has so much love. I have high hopes for this run

In the process of Patent Pending Dessert Delight aswell


I have fabric pots with coco coir, so that didn’t affect me with over watering.

I just want to give a report, I grew out one of the Dessert Delight plants, and after losing the first one to too much heat in the tent, there was very gracious resend by @DanielGrowPhotos. I don’t do too many photos, but I will say it is a beautiful plant. I topped it and it grew very uniformed, with buds all down the plant. I didn’t need to trim the lowers. Mine had a slight purple/pink hue to the buds, with very nice rich musky sweet smells. I can’t give a smoke report yet, but overall very nice :slightly_smiling_face::+1:.

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That was beautiful 🥲 I love that. This is what I do it for. Made my night reading this.

This was after training if you dare to grow her this big. This is the biggest I ever grew her in veg. I get a lot of information based on everyone who tries her in other ways than I do and I get loads of info. So thank you @Natea it really means a ton that you updated.

This picture is demonstrating using plant training clips. learned that she loves that shit and bushes out better, way better. Cuz she is an upwards claw without the indents on the end. Meaning she grows like a stethoscope if you grabbed both ends and close it together with your hand almost closed. That’s how the branches are. Just many of them.

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For sure, it was the best looking plant in the tent. I forgot to mention I also used those same training clips to achieve an even canopy. My only regret is that I didn’t get to clone her. I took some snips before I flipped to flower, and I assumed my skills were better than they were, but I didn’t get them or any other snips to root.

I’ll have to get you a new one asap. But im very excited to hear about the upcoming smoke report. I think you’re in for a real treat like never before. But let’s see how right that is. Can’t wait

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Alright everyone: this has cured for a month or so now, so here his the smoke report :dash::triumph:.
Smell in the Grove bag is a deep sweetness. It has had that from day one actually.
Grinding it up, the smell explodes! It is a fruity sweet smell with a gassy background that hits the nose very well. The buds I got turned a pinkish/purplish hue at the end, so the look and smell were great.
Hitting it, it tastes pretty good, the smells come through with the flavor as well. It was the best tasting bud taste directly after hang drying in the bunch I did as well.
A nice smooth, calm, strong buzz lasted for a seemingly long time.

My honest opinion is that this is a really great strain, and I hope if I get any again that I can keep it going in my Garden of Weeden :sunglasses:


Amen :pray:

Next time pollinate a lil

If I get you 2 Dessert Delights from my tray of clones, will you reverse one onto the other to start making s1? Then let’s say, sprout all of the dessert delight s1 on 12/12 & Reveg the winner by smell cuz the delight smell is unmistakable and I’ll give you 2 dessert delights again and you can reverse the delight to make more s1 and a version or a few versions of dessert delight s1 bx1.
I’m putting intentions to get you this clone till you learned cloning down perfectly and then you can hold it yourself but I’d always wanna get it to you if you lose it cuz you love it and I know it’s helpful in your life. Plus if you learn fem seed making while your at it then that’s something that is advanced that you can really start getting a good base of knowledge on from early on it’ll be great. Plus the genetics will evolve while staying pure & you’d then be the creator of the new generations and it’s a lot of fun and hard work always pays off.

Just some ideas but I think it’ll be dope @Natea

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Now one thing I don’t do right now is seeds. I barely grow enough for personal with my 1 small tent.

How many r u gonna need for a full run @Natea

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Well I was going to run 4 or 5 eventually, but honestly with 1 I should be able to make more.
It would be amazing if someone could make some fem seeds though. That would help keeping the strain obtainable and distributable.

@Natea I’ll see what I have for you when they root up. Next project that I’m vegging out for is dessert delight reversal. I’m going to attempt the s1 for the first time soon. I’m nervous that I won’t get many seeds. It’ll be my second reversal. The first being the aj to make dessert delight & that only made 10 seeds on Grandi guava. So that’s what gets me nervous. But I’m going to do it anyway. I have a male around in my rooms right now so after I Reveg him I’ll do a flower run and make sure no stray pollen is around by making sure it’s seedless bud on the flower run and then I’ll make the delight reversal

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That sounds like a plan man. Good luck in advance :smiley:

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