Your best goodest trip

Creating this thread as a positive alternative.

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This is the place to share all about the most beautiful experiences you’ve had in your life, because that’s what we all want, right? And the only way to have more beautiful experiences in your life is to read, write, talk and dream about them, to give that energy your attention.


This one time I was looking at seeds and weeds online and saw that OG was back after a long hiatus. I said, nah, I’m fucking trippin. But I lurked and lurked and lo and behold it was the real deal, and had people acting humanely to each other, talking about weed and sharing what they could. So I joined, and here I am, 8 or 9 months later, embarked on this trip here with the rest of you all. :+1:


It was like 80 out in the middle of summer and I was 15 skating at the school downtown. We had taken a hit of acid and each ate a quarter of some cubes. Well all of this starting lifting us off to where it was hard to skate, and we decided we’d find a huge hill and go down on our bellies. We found that in a huge 100 acre park that is inside our old town. Anyway it was fun we got to the end of the trail and it was paved so we were cruising lol…anyways we’re sitting on top of a permanent bench in the park on a hill and it starts snowing and hailing all at the same time whilst being the middle of summer and super hot out. Idk what the hell happened but it was one of the most uplifting trips I have had. Another was when I was tripping on 4 drops and a white owl landed next to me and stared at what felt like at the time was an eternity.