Your Favorite Medical Strain

I myself use medical marijuana for chronic anxiety. I found this strain called MAG Landrace. It works just as good as any pill.
What works best for you?


The most “medicinal” thing I’ve found for anxiety is a THCA/CBDA tincture. :+1::seedling:


A couple of years ago I had 25 grams of Black Afghan hash that I mixed with some olive oil and heated for 3 hours at 100 Celsius. There were tiny little bubbles coming up, changing very fast between red and green hues, it was fascinating to watch.

I ate a little bit every day, before a meal (when eating after food it gets delayed and then it hits you all at once, or it greatly reduces potency, depending on what you ate), the size of half a pea was enough for me, and sometimes even too much.

Four months later I was a completely different person, reborn. The 25 grams lasted me almost a year.

Now trying different indicas and indica dominant strains. Will be experimenting with drying, grinding, dry cooking and mixing strains to get more diverse terpenes together in one jar of decarbed powder,
eating half a teaspoon or so at a time.

When smoking it, you’re destroying a large chunk of it from the excessive temperatures and you get delta-9-THC going straight into your blood along with a bunch of carcinogens.

When you eat it, decarbed, the delta-9-THC has to pass through your liver first, and your liver recognizes its potential and enhances it, creating a more complex molecule called 11-hydroxy-THC.
That’s where the real healing power lies and is why RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) is so effective.

Also AFAIK on drug tests they look for delta-9-THC, but not 11-hydroxy-THC. :wink:

When you smoke, some of the delta-9-THC also gets converted but not nearly as much.

Note, it doesn’t work when drinking alcohol, your liver prioritizes breaking down poison. Another good reason to quit, and saves a lot of money. I live in a country with amazing beers but I don’t miss any of it. It’s real easy not to drink when eating cannabis. Now, even after drinking only half a glass I get severe anxiety.

Furthermore, it takes meditation to a whole new unfathomable level. If you want to heal then I highly recommend meditation. “Show me what I need to know,” then take deep breaths and linger at the end of your exhalations, there you will find the source of all life. If you’re ready.


what expert seeds calls Northern lights, works well for my wife and i and doesnt put us to sleep, havent tried that many yet, but this has been consistent for us


C99 for me (ADHD). Pretty much any strong sativa works for me but the 7wk flower time and ease of growing makes C99 my long-term favorite. I like using weed that motivates me to get things done.

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My best one for my medical needs always is an indica, that will put me down. Lately I’ve been experimenting with sativas, just to be more productive. But for pain it’s always an indica/ indy dom hybrid. I like my purple kush. Yet pitbull is the one I have smoked an grown the most of, it is cut only out here, or atleast the dogshit pheno, and it’s a legend around here. Hope to get some cuts soons.

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Mag was great. One of the few things I got from the dispensary that I really liked. Good for helping me sleep too. Right now I have some White Rhino for night time smoke, but it doesn’t lay you right down for bed. Usually takes you someplace else first.

Jack Herer is a great in the morning, though I find it doesn’t really do much for my pain. I know it’s hard to find a sativa-leaning that really tackles major aches and pains, a lot of people are probably looking for that.

I haven’t found anything that just absolutely drains the pain away yet. That’s the other thing I want. Something that won’t knock me out, but crushes any aches and pains. I need something like that for in reserve when I’m having a bad day.


I have a question for you, what do you think your C99 tastes like?

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I don’t have currently have any, just seeds :sleepy: But I remember having some spicy/hazy from Female Seeds (not a pure line) and Frost Brothers, some grapefruit/fruit punch from Mosca, and some light pineapple from all three. Bought some that was labelled Princess in a dispensary once and it was over the top pineapple but had really low potency. Hoping to find some potent pineapple in the Fleur du Mal seeds. Haven’t experienced the legendary rotten fruit pheno.


we bought c99 from a dispensary here and it tasted like mold, was the only c99 i have ever had so thank you ,