Your Health Thread

There’s a lot of misinformation on the internet.

Health isn’t something you want to get into psuedoscience.

My dad had high psa and he turned out to be fine. Try not to worry and you can always get a second opinion if you need.


All a PSA test confirms is you have a prostate lol.

I second what Labrat is saying, mostly its a con to make money off of you, even a positive cancer test is not accurate to the state of it…


Had a biopsy done and I have no cancer just an enlarge prostate…but other then that I’m perfectly fine…I have to just keep eating healthy and excercise daily which I do…I have also been eating my veggies from my garden and staying away from fried greasy foods…


good to hear. mine ended up as cancer and damn near killed me recovering from the surgery. glad to hear you’re cancer free. i think i’ll burn one in your honor.


Glad your C free, your diet is good from what I see you post on the foody thread.

Fried is good so long as its olive oil, cocont or avacado and you don’t make the oil smoke. Its sugars damaging the cholesterol cells so they don’t fit the receptor cells and cant be re cycled back into the liver, that is the real culprit for elavated cholesterol levels.


Went for a check up after bloodwork and everything is fine and dandy liver, kidneys, cholesterols good/bad and my triglycerides was good also…My BP was 140/90 at first when I got there but before I left they took it again and it was 120/70…

I did ask about ringing in the ears, tinnitus and she told me to take vitamin B complex…Anyone else have ringing in the ears Tinnitus, if so how do you guys deal with it?


I got ringing, I dont know how to deal with it lol


You want vit B1 Benfotiamine is a refined version of it that goes straight to the nerve sheaths in the brain, but there are different causes for tinnitus. Mold bacteria in the brain can cause it as well as other things.

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Partner had surgery Tuesday in her throat

Tested positive 2x for covid when woke up with 100.3 fever yesterday

Both of us very sick.

Luckily stocked up on groceries.

Lots of wet cough mucus and terrible headaches


Getting well soon buddy…I’m going out and partying my ass off at my local saloon then coming home and smoke some Matanuska Thunder Head joint…


I misread the original thread post.

Hope everything is going okay now.

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