Your tips and tricks for shucking and sorting seed!

one at a time with no gloves so you can get finger hash, i do them with the buds kind a damp, like 5 days cure moist, i use a paper plate with high lips kind of like the frisbee above, i do small amouts so i can puck the seed out and i sift like im looking for gold, i say sift meaning i push the plant matter up when i have the plate on an incline, the seed rolls down i pick them up using my thumb and finger, no tweezers cause i want that hash, it adds up, real nice crosses like we talked …very nice


Alright so I used a combination of the methods you guys mentioned above. I actually was able to break the buds down in a turkey pan. I removed big plant matter by hand really quickly while sifting through it for additional seed. Then tilted the pan at an angle while shaking it from side to side and lightly blowing upwards. The bad seed and additional plant matter was blown to the top of the pan as the good seeds rolled down. Awesome I would have never thought to have blown on the pan. So with that said you guys ended up saving me tons of time. Here are the results!


Nice beans @kushdaddy!! Glad we could help!


Good job on the bean extraction


very nice job man


Were all the females from feminized plants?

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Extra characters say “Dibs” :wink:

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If I can let buds dry I break them into a colander and rub lightly and shake into a collection tray and then of course separate chaff from seeds in a classic 70’s style album and rolling paper pack/bank card technique or as they say these days tek, anyhow it works


I just use a cheap paper plate. The thick brown ones seem to work the best.


No they were not @sedin .

The Banana Krumble, and Gorilla Girl were Feminized.

Norge, Bumblebud, Monica, and Monica x Gorilla Girl were all regs.

@Dirtron Once I finish everything I’ll be passing some out lol.


I put all the seeds onto a screen, and then hold the screen tray over a fan (set to low!) and shake.
It makes a mess, cause plant material goes everywhere… but the beans stay put and the rest of the stuff flies away

Also, tips for winnowing:


Cool. Do you know if there would be a difference?

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I don’t think so. They would still all be reg seeds.

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This is how I do it sometimes as well. It’s a pretty good alternative to a seed separator.

If I’m too impatient to let the bud dry to max dryness, I put on nitrile gloves and grab each bud by the stem and push in into the table gently. Then I squeeze out seeds with my fingers and pick them up with tweezers.

Either way, it just takes a long time. I’ve kind of given up on trying to find a best way and instead just do it at a time when I’m willing to just sit down foot however long it’s going to take. :joy:


@kushdaddy Have you grown out any females of Mark’s Afghan Kush? I picked up some of his Afghani 1, Afghan Kush, and Purple Kush but haven’t seen much posted about them.

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Dry buds crumbled over my trim bin for kief. Roll the seeds out, clean out the chaff with my little bird seed cleaner.


@WVMountainGhost Sorry for the late reply. I actually haven’t. I popped just one and it ended up being a boy. I do have some pictures of how he grew though, structurally. I can say the genetics were definitely robust.

@ReikoX I seriously need to pick up a trim bin, as I’ve been just using turkey trays, but I’d love to collect some kief. Also that seems like a fair price for the seed cleaner. Is that the same one you use? I’d assume you are finding it to be effective.

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Its effective for small batches to clean out the small bits of chaff. It is not effective to sort the seeds from the broken up plant matter. :+1::seedling:


I still use the ol’ shoe box lid and a credit card. It’s actually pretty fast. Still get a little chaff at the end but not much.

That looks like the same guy that was on OpenGrow, I think, or maybe somebody linked the build. It was about 4-5 years ago and he showed how it all worked. It’s actually really slick and would be a fun woodworking project if one was looking for that.

It seems like they made the first one with cardboard and the computer fan. You get your trim and all of your seeds in two nice neat drawers. There’s a you tube out there I think. It’s pretty slick.

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I mentioned a Zig Zag Seed Separator recently when I found out @DougDawson was doing like a thousand seeds by hand.

Plans are available in metric and imperial. Someone, I think maybe @Gpaw ? said the metric plans were more accurate.

You just need a shop vac, wood, plexiglas, and screws. Good for seed runs.