Your tips and tricks for shucking and sorting seed!

I do it when I’m smoking
The buds pick the seeds out let the age a bit longer ,

It probably does nothing letttimg them
Sit in the buds longer lol

Yeah, open source makes sense. I knew I’d seen the different builds and stuff. It’s even more cool that it’s open source! Canna people are the shit. peace


I winnow my like gain. its low tech.

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I think it’s an Agriculture thing not a canna thing.

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:raising_hand_man:t5:…I’m a ‘G’…I use my bare hands and :muscle:t5::sweat_smile:


I saw it on a canna site years back but I’m sure it’s universal. Agriculture makes more sense given the size. I’m pretty sure I saw a video of it being used for cannabis, but most weed people don’t have that large of a cannabis seed problem.

I like the plexiglass front so you can monitor it. I just like woodworking and inventions, heh.

… after you close the door of course. That’s why I have no pictures, because I’m busy manhandling those buds into my shoebox lid. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You don’t need Plexiglas… but come to think about it, it might be less expensive than wood right now…


use a long steal flat pan. like you or breaking up a bud to smoke tilt pan use business card to move the material around. seed will roll to the bottom. plant material will stay up top. that how we do it in the south…