00 Seeds Bank Top 3 Auto’s – Win Prizes!

Gimmie, Gimmie…gimmie!!! Continued success with your outstanding efforts. I rocked many 00 Seeds 3 years ago, satisfied at the 100% level, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


You sir are too kind and exaggerate but I will take it :slight_smile: Many thanks for your kind words.

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Northern lights helped me sleep years back. I’d love to sleep good again.
Thanks for the opportunity!


In for NL!

WW & NL where my first. In for the win, need some autos.

Auto northern lights would be great for me I have limited space with even more limited collection to grow

So being a newb to growing I have under my belt 3 grows and just tried northern lights auto and it turned out great.
Nothing like those pictures above, effing WOW! for an auto!??
Would love to have another try and get a result like that!

Auto Northern Lights would be so great in my collection because it’s supposed to be a low odor strain and great for night time use.

I’ve been running just autos and dont have but would love to have a northern lights

I’d like to grow some old school northern lights autos

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Nice plant

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Haven’t grown any 00 seeds before. A fast NL would be an awesome addition to the garden.

Northern Lights is a classic strain, so having an auto NL would be a epic seed to have in the back pocket!


Welcome to OG. You should head over to the introduce yourself thread and say hi to everyone. It’s a great way for folks to learn who you are :slight_smile:


Count me in @killabeez-seedbank

@killabeez-seedbank I have never had the opportunity to utilize 00 Seed banks genetics in my garden before and the Auto Northern Lights strain would provide me with productive Indica big buds coated in resin before my Zone 6 climate makes things cool and wet. The plants themselves are also charmers. ;D Thanks for the chance to grow these beauties!

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I’d love to grow some Northern Lights under the Northern Lights up here in the north!
Appreciate your generosity!:boom::sparkles::seedling::sparkles::boom:

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Autos are a cool addition to any growers collection and NL is a classic

Would love to have this classic strain, brings me back to when I was in high school:grinning:

I’m in ,thanks for the chance