12/12* from seed overgrow

((White widow x Ak47 )x (Original glue x Triple OG ) X Iron Cindy)
E.C.D.O.G. X Iron Cindy
These F2 crosses to Iron Cindy showcase attributes from both lines. Some exhibit dominant glue-like fragrances, while others lean towards a prominent sandalwood aroma. Additionally, certain plants offer subtle metallic notes. Interestingly, a few hybrids combine these characteristics, resulting in a unique scent reminiscent of greasy Szechuan lomein. Another intriguing element is the presence of sweet undertones akin to baby poo,Causing me to call this one ‘Szechuan diapers.’
These were done 2 weeks ago but i just ket em rock for no good reason. A bit over ripe now @ 14 weeks but i was enjoying smelling them everyday.

“sat dom”
