12/12* from seed overgrow

I’m taking clones from them around 4/5th week, it makes them easier to manage long term.


ya, i take mine at defol around f21 most of the time. it holds them off for a bit.

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Wooooo! Looking forward to seeing this @PsillyRabbit :grin::+1::green_heart:


@tamimes so what is the turnaround time for each round on 12/12 straight from seed?


Liber city sat dom…13/18 -72%
Liberty city fatbud…14/16 -87%
DOG EC red…----…16/18 -88%
DOG EC sat dom.-…9/12 -75%
harlem shuffle PP
small seed…-------…28/30 -93%
big seed…----------…8/14 --57%
88/108…------------…81.5% germ rate

not terrible but i was expecting a higher viablity rate. When choosing the “penny pincher” seeds i pulled out a dozen of the largest seeds i could find. Since sativas are generaly k own for small seeds i wanted to see if the plants looked differnt.
As you can se above the small seeds had a 93% germ rate and the large had a 57%. i dont know what that means but… that happened.
Im really disappointed in myself for the amount of stretch these things have. I cant believe how much they are preferring the White LEd over the 250 watt HPS. I couldn’t lower the light enough and still get the 4x4 coverage. I should have put in something with a stronger blue spectrum to keep them squat but just didn’t get to it. Now these lil fuckers need stakes. Noob mistake but it’ll be alright.
I have em on 20 hours of light still but will probably go to 12/12 tomorrow or the next day.
oh yeah my camera has a crack in it so all the pics of a slight solar flare effect to them: rollseyes:


@PsillyRabbit , next time you could fill up pots half full of medium , start seeds in that and top up soil after , roots will be nice at bottom of pot perfect for bottom feeding , the rest of pot will fill with roots upwards as she grows / flowers and flood level rises with demand
: )


@PsillyRabbit 81% overall is not a bad germ rate! I’d be fine with that. As other have said, you lower that light and add some soil to your pots you will be laughing :smiley:

Impressive setup and results @tamimes :smiley: I would love it if you could start a grow thread so I can follow along :star_struck:


They are now under 400 watt instead of 250 also 18 hours instead of 20. A few more popped and i’m up to 84% germ rate… I was expecting 90≥
Tomorrow will be 7 days since the seeds imbibed. I will switch to 12/12.


I might not have minded much the first time but you have now drowned my post in your posts.
I will catch you guys sometime in the future with an update.


Sorry man wont post any more​:+1::+1:


Was not my intention


why do you put cups over some of the seedlings? I’m still pretty new to growing, always eager to learn more from yall

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That’s gonna be a jungle. Nice! :beers:

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You’re fine you shared your passion for a similar way of growing. If he wants to be that way so be it.


@ tammies I was just butt hurt. In almost 20 years of growing mj had never stretched a seedling so bad .To boot, in this case there were 108 of them…
Can we still be friends?

Here we are at 12 days of flower. I cant wait to kill half these plants and create a checker pattern.
running at something like 750 wats mixed LED and HPS


Tag isn’t quite correct, I’ll add it too, because I was loving both your stuff and hoping @tamimes would start their own grow journal so I could watch both!

I’ve got dreams of a similar grow in a few months to do selection and evaluation on stuff that I’m breeding. I did sprout 24 in 4" pots once, for a stress test, but that was the only time I’ve even come close.

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ya, keeps them from going to into hard veg. they have to come out of flower. i am holding off them from stretching all over the place.


I gave chat GPT a summery of an update and asked it for a poem.

Riveting discourse in this space so dear,
Where thoughts entwine, conversation sincere.
For documentation’s sake, I shall veer,
Amidst seeds sown, the path is clear.

Eighteen seeds dormant, couldn’t bloom bright,
Eight odd ones culled, in fading light.
Twenty hours, light’s endless flight,
Then 12/12, the timing’s right.

Now fifteen days, the bloom takes stage,
A lone nut forms, amidst this sage.
Anticipating the cull’s decisive page,
Space for growth, in this flowered cage.


Last 3 lines , very ominous. Herms maybe.


I would absolute love to hear what gives you the ominous impression.
Blurry af and I was just showing the stems. But with that said I pinched off the lower branches on ALL of them. If you caught that; you have a damn good eye.