1972 Vietnam black dong ha

I have more seeds if you would like some. I was looking to get high lol. Whether it’s Korean or viet or something else is hard to say. Hmong Hemp best fits the plants I grew. Hmong Hemp is a short pole plant historically, no more than 4 feet tall. Rsc has the new version which has been hybridized and is now much taller.
@DGCloud no high. I smoked it. Some unusual smells for Hemp though. Plants flower at just a few inches tall and go about 10 weeks.
Oddly, I left a couple past week 12 and they revegged with shortening days. Could be a useful trait for auto growers, but not for me.


Thanks for the offer but I’m tryna medicate lol. I was really hoping to grow something new maybe I’ll buy something hahaha :sob:. Thanks for the info it saved me blood sweat and tears!! Wanna grow something new I’ll look though the vault after I’m done with this round.


There is a slight chance of a thc pheno. In Hokkaido Hemp population, most plants are cbd plants, but an 11% thc female was found during a large run. I wouldn’t be shocked if someone found something similar in this strain. @HappyTrees23s friend said it was his favorite smoke. Either he likes cbd high or a thc pheno was found. @Magu will have seeds soon.


Here’s the plants in question


I just realized this may be a different strain From the one passed out as korean. I think they are likely the same but I don’t know


Seems like he only passed these out to 6 people me being one of them were you part of the other 2 that was not mentioned?


That’s what I thought they were, Is korean. I’m one of the other six


All this happened before I joined OG. So what are they? :thinking:


Korean if seeds are from the guy above.( If they are the seed from me, it’s the strain @HappyTrees23s rescued. Photos above)Old Hoppie saw the town name his buddy served in or asked his buddy where he served I think, and assumed the weed came from there, but his buddy got it on R and R in Korea. It could be from anywhere in East Asia really. Hopefully it’s Korean. I read they have some good smoke.


I’m very creative about these. Could be hemp…could be a Northern Sativa…
Seeds from old Hippie don’t look Hempy. They are dark
(Friggin spell check. Creative? Thats so far off I don’t even know the correct word that should have been there lol.
Ooooh. Curious. I’m very curious.)
And incidentally yet unrelated, I am kinda creative. And high. Realllllly high. Loving my favorite Uganda.


Ha ha ha. “ Friggin spell check! “ :joy: :rofl:


Did anyone pop these?

Someone said they are non thc so o did not pop them yet. Has anyone seen @oldhippy these days?

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I probably said that. Only if the seed came from either myself or HappyTrees23s might that be the case. The seeds from @oldhippie were korean most likely. Gotten in korea on r and r during Vietnam war.


I got them from old hippie when they were mislabeled as Vietnam but are most likely Korean. Should I grow them? I thought they were non medicinal so I did not grow them.


I’d watch that :sunglasses:


They might be grown soon just waiting for winter to come back in as my temps are hitting 90s right now.


@DGCloud I’d like to see someone get into them. We don’t really know what they are to be honest. Korea does have drug cannabis and also feral mixed ratio thc/cbd cannabis, and perhaps even straight cbd( hemp)plants growing, especially in the North… in particular the Yalu River Valley was mentioned in an article I read. In it, american P.O.W.'s claimed that this plant saved their lives during internment.
Being that this was gotten on R&R I would imagine it’s a drug cannabis strain.


I’ll prob pop a few for fun but I do have a project I need to get done that’s way over do. We will see when winter comes.

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